I don't know why this man is a Democrat. Eric Adams gets in trouble with the media over remarks

1 year ago

WATCH: Eric Adams gets in trouble with the media over remarks

You Can Separate Church from State; BUT, You Cannot Separate God from Law

Our founding fathers were NOT Communists, evolutionists, abortionists, nor God-haters. The majority of them professed some type of faith in a Divine Power; howbeit, most of them were not Christians. There is a vast difference between a deist, such as Benjamin Franklin; and the Communists seeking to eradicate God from American society today. Our founding fathers had no desire to rid society of God. Our founding fathers never intended for there to be a Godless public school system. Our founding fathers never intended for there to be Communist property taxes. Our founding fathers never intended for there to be a Communist central bank. Their aim was simply to prevent organized religion from controlling government, and vise versa. This is vastly different from removing God from governmental law. Many people have difficulty distinguishing between God and organized religion; but the differences are clear.

The very notion of excluding God from government is insane, because all government “power” is ordained by God (Romans 13:1,2). Some Christian leaders woefully misinterpret Romans 13:1-2, teaching that believers should submit to all government, even criminal government. Such heretical teaching completely ignores our First Amendment right to legally petition against our government through freedom of speech, press, religion, and the right to peaceably assemble to do so. That is our legal right! In Communist China they do not have that right. China by far is an atheist nation. Atheism, Communism, and tyranny have always been synonymous. This is why faith in God must be preserved in the U.S.

The Bible commands believers in Psalm 94:16 to RISE UP and STAND UP for God against evildoers. That doesn't exclude our nation's leaders. OUR nation's leaders do what they do in OUR name, and with OUR money, and with OUR children in the military; hence, it is OUR business! Only a big fool would believe or teach that God wants us to remain silent and do nothing while our nation's leaders steal $23.7 TRILLION dollars of taxpayer money, send our children out to die in an unprovoked war admittedly based upon LIES, and laugh in our faces while doing it.

As America descends into apostasy, we are seeing woeful injustice in our court systems. Court cases are deliberately delayed for years, sinfully bilking people out of their retirement savings and homes. While petty criminals are prosecuted to the full extend of the law, mega-criminals aren't even indicted. It is God's Laws that are supposed to govern the affairs of mankind. Nations who ignore God's Laws end up like Communist China—where their people are treated as animals, organs are harvested from their inmates, citizens are brutally beaten for criticizing the government, women are handled as a commodity, and mother's babies are forcibly murdered by the Chinese government against the mother's will.

China today is the Communist blueprint for America's future, and the monsters controlling the United Nations are delighted. Americans couldn't care less, enjoying the World Olympics in China. We don't care if people are abused, afflicted and treated as garbage, just so long as it's somebody else. Americans are so arrogant, selfish and filled with sinful pride. Few people realize that the secret agenda behind the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is population elimination. They have donated millions to Planned Parenthood alone. Dark times are ahead for the U.S., and we have brought this upon ourselves by the sin of indifference. Wake up America!

It is a lie of the Devil for anyone to claim that God must be separated from law in order to preserve freedom. No sir! God is the very essence of just law. Without God, a nation's laws can only deteriorate into a system of tyranny, injustice, and insanity. Gay-marriage is insane. Abortion is tyranny. Property taxes are unjust. Pornography is harmful to society. Yet, our Godless lawmakers legalize these atrocities of injustice. To the same degree that faith in God is eliminated from legislative decisions, to that same degree iniquity shall abound. Speaking of the last days, Jesus said in Matthew 24:12... “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” The Greek word for “iniquity” here means “injustice.” We are certainly living in a time of woeful injustice. The word means “unpunished crime,” like the Wall Street thieves working for the government in Washington D.C. who keep stealing trillions of taxpayer dollars. It is alarming the number of White House cabinet members who came right off Wall Street.

The very same hypocrites that question whether or not “under God” should have been added to the pledge, fail to question whether or not we should be paying property taxes, whether or not homosexuals should have a legal right to get married, and whether or not the U.S. constitution allows for murdering tens-of-millions of children by abortion. Despite all the unconstitutional things which our federal government gets away with, it is sad that the biggest major offense to society today are just two little words... UNDER GOD. Nevermind the theft of trillions-of-dollars of taxpayer's money. Nevermind the murderous abortion industry. Nevermind the Godless war in Iraq and the murdering of hundreds-of-thousands of innocent people. The God-haters don't seem to have a problem with all that. No, they're just mad over two little words... UNDER GOD! We really should change the wording to “one nation over God,” because we are an arrogant, sin-loving, rebellious, reckless, irresponsible, foolish, and stiffnecked people. The abortion industry by itself is proof of this.

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