SESSION 8 - The Practice of Instruction (Pt. 2)

2 years ago

Session 8A
Title: The Good Stuff

We are not doing God a favor when we try to change or ignore the boundaries He has set up in the scriptures.

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more:

What is the difference between biblical chastisement and cultural spanking?
How is pain an effective motivator in the discipline process?
Why is biblical chastisement inappropriate for older children?
When our children choose to take the road of foolishness, biblical chastisement will often be our first choice… not the last resort.

Session 8B
Title: Issues and Answers

Seeking wise counsel for help with parenting issues will build your own confidence.

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more…

How do we deal with stubborn children?
How do we involve God in a Family Conference Table?
How do we help our children with the confusion they feel when they are forced to deal with a split family in which both homes have different spiritual standards?

Key Point:
The Holy Spirit, Word of God, and prayer are our greatest allies and tools to assist us as we make wise discipline choices for our children.

Session 8C
Title: Go With the Flow

Once we’ve determined whether our child’s behavior is foolish or childish, our discipline can then follow a simple progression.

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more…

What is the correct response to childish behavior?
How do natural consequences function as an effective discipline tool for our children?
At what ages is it appropriate to use biblical chastisement as a discipline method?

Key Point:
Biblical chastisement is a sting to capture our child’s attention, not a wound that breaks their spirit.

Session 8D
Title: Help! How Do I Do This?

There’s no such thing as a “dumb” parenting question!

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more…

How can dads help their wives make successful parenting decisions?
How do we help our teens understand that today’s actions will affect tomorrow’s opportunities?
What authority figures have the right to give our children instructions?

Key Point:
For their own good, there are times that we should simply instruct our children to “walk away” from an argument or situation.

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