SESSION 3 - The Practice of Proactivity

2 years ago

Session 3A
Title: Successfully Defining Success

Every day we choose whether to live proactively or reactively.

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more…
When faced with a decision, what are the two choices we must make?
What are expectations and why are they so devastating to relationships?
What is the biblical definition of success?

Key Point: When we seek to build a worldly resume for our children, at the expense of training their character, we run the risk of leaving them spiritually bankrupt.

Session 3B
Title: It’s Time to Go Back to School

There is no such thing as a generic reactivity tree; our children and we each have our own “pet” reactive areas.

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more…
Why do we need to become a student of our children?
What should be our first stop when confronted with a difficult parenting decision?
Why is it so important for the whole family to memorize scripture?

Key Point: When it comes to character, our family standard must remain the same, although we may have to individualize how each child achieves that standard.

Session 3C
Title: Be the Wall

Holding firm when our children are pushing against the wall of our family standards will provide security.

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more…
What is the fruit of parental reactivity?
What are some common triggers that cause parental reactivity?
How does a proactive parent prepare for success?

Key Point: A Family Conference Table provides a safe and proactive way to discuss family issues and define family standards.

Session 3D
Title: What Does It Look Like?

If we want our families to embrace biblical character, we must first learn how to identify biblical character.

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more…
For what types of things must we show respect?
What does it mean to have courage?
What character qualities would I like to see in my family?

Key Point: Parenting takes courage and holding firm to our family standards will test our parenting resolve.

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