With God On Our Side

2 years ago

Director Porter Speakman, Jr.’s film examines both the theology and Biblical basis of Christian Zionism and takes us to Palestine to show us what the situation is like for the Palestinians living there. It becomes obvious that American and British Christians who give uncritical support to the Israeli government are supporting a great injustice against a poor and powerless people. The sad thing is that when a Christian Zionist leader is confronted with this, he discounts the problem because it is God’s will as espoused in the Bible that is working out in current history. Almost all of the Palestinians that are in the film are Christians—indeed the filmmakers make the point that Western Christians who come to such shrines as Bethlehem never engage the resident Christians there, who could give them a truer picture of conditions than tourist usually gain. “End-times theology that causes rejection of an ethnic group, or a brother like me, is a sin,” declares Salim Munayer, academic dean of Bethlehem Bible College and founder of Musalaha Reconciliation Ministries. Using the Bible to justify nationalistic purposes is idolatry.

“For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, ‘It is through Isaac that your children will be reckoned.’ In other words, it is not the natural children who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring” (Romans 9:6-8)

"The first obvious challenge of 'With God On Our Side' was articulating a perspective on the Middle East debate anchored in history and sound theology. Porter Speakman has not only met that test, but also delivered one of the clearest assessments of the struggle between Palestinians and Jews, and a US Church largely unaware of their complicity in the current conflict. Speakman's second more ominous challenge will be obtaining an audience, often steeped with established notions, open to wrestling with the film's content. The hope of an ongoing Christian presence in the Holy Land may depend on the success of his message... I dare anyone to see this film and remain unchanged."
--Steven W. Haas, Vice President/Chief Catalyst World Vision, United States


Why I Abandoned Replacement Theology
"I wasn’t replacing Israel with the church, but I sure was replacing Jesus with the modern nation of Israel."

"'With God On Our Side': A Documentary on Christian Zionism"

"Whose Land? Whose Promise?: What Christians Are Not Being Told about Israel and the Palestinians (Revised, Updated)" - by Burge, Gary M.


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