UK COLUMN NEWS - Monday 6th March 2023. Dur - 1hr 28mins.

1 year ago

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Mark Anderson with Monday’s UK Column News. With guest Dr Christian Buckland.
0:30 Oakeshott overshot? The dubitable leak of the Project Fear WhatsApp messages
21:09 And yet—Unethical nudging goes local
25:14 Ukraine: The kettling of Bakhmut—over 10,000 Ukrainian troops may be trapped
29:04 Fighter jets for Ukraine—now, next year or never?
41:26 Skripal Case, Five Years On—Covid Parallels
48:48 No Food—Except by Grace and Favour of Agribusiness
53:35 What oath will Charles swear?
57:20 WHO Regulations and Pandemic Treaty: Is concern about loss of sovereignty really misplaced?


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