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Where to start

1 year ago

Probably the most uncomfortable video ill ever post on the internet. The day my heart and my idea of who I thought I was shattered to pieces. I enjoyed cloud 9 for a good year and a half id say, and it all came running down on me by a heart break that not only left me a little traumatized, but woke me up to the unhealed and untreated traumas that I had previous to the relationship. This isn't a vlog to bash in any of my exes because I did love them at some point. But it did spark a fire in me to become the version of me that only I see. I've always recorded thoughts and feelings that I've had towards the way I see the world. Whether it may be valid or invalid, I just decided your time here on earth is short anyway. Why live everyday doing the same thing and hiding something that means a lot to you. We're all going to die anyway. So here's to a new start.


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