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Stunning Short History - of Why the World has Gone Mad!

2 years ago

This one is a keeper. Not much more than half an hour and you will be more educated on crucial history than 99.99% of people - on WHY we are where we are in the world. Am I wrong on this? Comments below please! 😃
More excellent material for free: https://www.scandinavianfreedom.events/

NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more does require support - please consider helping if you can with monthly donation to support me directly, or one-off payment:https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=69ZSTYXBMCN3W
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  • 0/2000
  • Watch this, then watch it again and take notes. Add some Corbett films and a smattering of a few others and you have a short cut to 10 years of knowledge.

  • Excellent, concise history.... connecting the dots like no other. Thank you.

  • It is hard to come to terms with just how evil the head of the snake is and just how totally unimportant the deem us. We are simply cattle to them, the Goyim

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