Join us to Brick Up the Sandyford Clinic. 11am, 11 March 2023

1 year ago

As an act of protest, we will symbolically brick up the entrance to the Sandyford Clinic.

The Sandyford Clinic in Glasgow offers harmful ideologically-driven "treatments" (pharmaceutical and surgical) to children experiencing gender confusion from all over Scotland.

Its approach has been widely discredited, yet there are no signs of change in Scotland.

So, we're going to symbolically brick it up to show our outrage at the way children's well-being is being sacrificed to fashionable transgender ideology.
In addition, the Sandyford Clinic administers the vulgar and corrupting sex education resources recommended by the Scottish Government.

The Sandyford Clinic also provides abortions. We value all human life, so we oppose its destruction except in the most extreme of circumstances. The abortion service at the Sandyford Clinic is run by BPAS. BPAS are an abortion provider and they are a significant driver behind the campaign for buffer zones around abortion clinics.

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