Hawks or Doves ES E mini S&P500 NQ NASDAQ 100 Premarket Trade Plan The Pit Futures Trading

1 year ago

#daytrading #livetrading #stocks #futurestrading

Just as expected we are going into J Powell testimony sitting on the 20 daily moving averages. The ES and NQ are also between two zones and balanced overnight. The hourly charts are pinched and when this happens you can expect a solid move. Right now balance and overnight volume is 20% below average. I would trade small size and wider stops if the volatility picks up.

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1. My Futures Day Trading Strategy: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ8l1CDNsHhVFqgH_wyAU5c3xHSrKNn2A
2. Bracket Orders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_epdfYh1eQ&feature=youtu.be
3. My Chart Platform & Setup: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ8l1CDNsHhXOsT2htGZcnIEyrCnzIdDM

Live Futures Trading, Live Day Trading Futures, Live Futures Day Trading, Live Stock Trading

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