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What EXACTLY is Agenda21?

1 year ago

I go on a deep dive with Sandy Adams about the plans for humanity and the planet that started in 1992 with the Earth Summit.


  • 0/2000
  • We all know this is happening and none of us are happy about it. But none of us are prepared to act to do anything to stop it. If we don't get our act together soon and do what needs to be done - and nothing will be resolved by peaceful protest - then we are finished.

  • We didn't vote for this .

  • Time to eject the foreign treasonous government

  • Sooner or later they will find ways of shutting you and others down, do not be deluded they have deep pockets driving there evil agenda and will do anything to achieve there goals.

  • Read Rosa Kiore's book "Behind the Green Mask - UN Agenda 21

  • Canada proved that bank accounts can be manipulated during the truckers' protest.

  • That's why they brought in The plandemic Scandemix Convid 19.

  • Nobody in the world voted for this

  • So glad you've got Sandi on!!

  • Instinctively, from when this technology was introduced and data protection was supposed to do just that, I’ve known it was never intended to protect us!!!

  • the talking mailbox crap started in 2013 i think it only ran 6 months but its hard to find if thats correct its definetely morphed into sandbox 2023 , this is connected to a mob called watershed thru the myworld community that describes itself as an " interdisciplinary community " . this is all embraced by government , Soros and all these scum bags use hundreds of little shelf companies to distance themselves ,, its like a spider web

  • I tried requesting info (In Australia). "We're too busy". So you would need to take them to Court, wait years as they delayed and asked for extensions. THEN, the Judge is a political appointee. I won in Court, the Judge said they would need to consider compensation and I'd be free on Monday. A week after, the judge had miraculously changed his mind because the Police had leaned on him. NOTE: I had broken no laws, there was no evidence, I'd just embarrassed a top cop who thought I was a famous UK criminal and a scalp to promote his career. (My ID had been stolen). The theory and law is on your side 100% - the reality is - you WILL be screwed, falsely accused of being a murderer or pedophile, your assets and cash taken and you get deported. If you overcome that - you wake up suicided. Just look at Assange or Aaron Schwartz. They have the time, money and people they own - you are a nobody to them. Only hope is to disappear (Some famous books on that).

  • Thank you for the invite (YouTube).

  • David Icke talked of this and the COVID nonsense.. That's why he was cancelled on YouTube. Solar panels are a good idea for planned blackouts.

  • Unfortunately, the majority of folk are stupid! I don't say that to be mean, or disparaging; but if we look at the way the masses responded to the recent pretend "pandemic," for want of a more realistic word; it was ridiculous! If folk can get together on any subject, then indeed, change could be fought for. But they won't; because the one thing that makes them feel a part of the majority, is television; and slowly, over a long period of time, they've been "educated" into the "right" way of thinking! As long as they keep catastrophising and talking about diversity, and climate fiction, and war, and gender identity, or what ever bullshit they can blow out of all proportions; any distraction..because that's all it is; then folk are fragmented into whichever "issue" is of personal concern for them as individuals; instead of looking at the big picture. This world has turned into a, me, me, me, anyway, enough of me..what do you think of me..kind of world. We're all to comfortable in our own little bubbles. But that is going to change; slowly and insidiousy, but it will change. And this is why I say folk are fundamentally stupid; because its happening right in front of their eyes; but as long as they can watch Netflix or whatever soaps are on the tv these days..they're happy..content, in their own blinkered world. And by the time they see what's actually infront of them..it will be to late to do anything about it! Such a shame!