What EXACTLY is Agenda21?
We all know this is happening and none of us are happy about it. But none of us are prepared to act to do anything to stop it. If we don't get our act together soon and do what needs to be done - and nothing will be resolved by peaceful protest - then we are finished.
None of us are prepared to act? Speak for yourself, thank you very much. I've been sticking my neck out speaking not wearing their masks, not taking their vaccine, speaking truth, opposing their propaganda. I've lost friends. I risked losing family. I risked getting thrown out by my boss, not in the least by outright telling him I was not going to be covid police for him. I switched jobs to get away from ESG. I think I am doing enough. And if you suggest I should take up arms and bomb these commies into pink mist and start slitting some throats in the street, they'd have an excellent case for why we should be locked up, as they are planning already.
Yes I did all that too and what difference did it make..? None at all as far as I can see. I don't see anyone taking any kind of decisive action, all I see is a bunch of people complaining on a forum - and before you attack me for that, I include myself in that count. I wouldn't be so stupid or irresponsible as to suggest violent action on an open forum - that would be against the law, despite the fact that they retain the right to use violence against us if they don't like what we are doing, and that often includes peaceful protest. I'm simply saying that we need to find the fortitude to get out on the streets en masse and take whatever action is necessary to get their attention and show them that we mean business, that we will not simply roll over and accept their jackboots on our necks any longer, and if that means using whatever reasonable force to make the point then so be it. Infer what you will from that.
You know guys, it's worth remembering we're on the same side, we may have some differing views on which way to go forward, but we want to travel in the same direction, to a similar destination. I understand both of your points of view, even if I fail to understand why you want to be prickly with each other. One is more optimistic, one is feeling more frustrated. Both are valid, and fair perceptions. As regards violence, unfortunately it will be a part of the process, if we are to defeat the globalist takeover. This does not mean that I advocate or encourage violence, nor, as I believe, was @ZombieX1, but merely recognising the power, and the ruthlessness, of the powerful entities, and they won't allow their plans to be put off course by a load of well mannered people taking to the streets. Any peaceful protest that threatens to have a negative impact on the narrative, will not be peaceful for long. The police are by far the major instigators of violence at protests, not the protesters. Of course the MSMedia film and present it to look like the protesters are the violent trouble makers, even though police horses, police dogs, truncheons and shields are advancing in an aggressive military style offensive maneuvers on the protesters. There's only one thing that is less appealing than violence to rise up against a dystopian dictatorship, and that's falling under the ever increasing control and rule of said dystopian dictatorship. . . . That isn't by any means infer a desire for, or aiming to encourage, violence though.
Keep shouting the truth, or as near to the truth as can be found ;) "I think I am doing enough." . . . . You might be doing all you can, but enough? None of us have done enough yet, otherwise we wouldn't be under the severe threat that the globalists pose to us.
Agreed, and re the above longer post of yours which for some reason doesn't seem to have a reply button - I was thinking more about things like surveillance cameras which might be damaged irreparably if they were to be installed at the end of our streets where we live so they can keep an eye on us, and if they were then replaced, well the replacements might just get badly damaged too, or their stupid talking lamp posts, or those massive planter things or whatever. I'm not saying I would ever personally damage valuable street furniture under the cover of darkness and wearing a mask and hood or anything like that, just that they might happen to be damaged by any passing hooligans who decided to take a dislike to them :)
Something people can do that will slow this down and definitely get their attention is to get rid of all your cordless, wireless and "smart" devices. Anyone who has brought spy devices into their homes or businesses should get them out! WiFi is the biggest way they can spy on you so get rid of it. They are putting WiFi and/or Bluetooth in everything. They sell it as "convenient" for you. But the real purpose is so they can turn them off whenever they want. Also, they can use WiFi to image where each person is in the house, whether sitting/standing/lying down, etc. All these frequencies are damaging your health. At a minimum, turn it all off and unplug it at least while you're sleeping. All smart phones have warnings in the fine print telling you how far to keep the phone from your body. What about when it is in your pocket or hand? Stop buying from corporations. Only buy non-GMO, organic from trusted small businesses that have not sold out to corporations. Support local farmers, ranchers, and neighbors who are raising food. Start buying from them and not corporate stores. Make plans to get out of cities. Ideally, you already are. They are the worst place to be as inflation climbs and food shortages come. Finally, do NOT accept digital IDs or CBDCs. If they get rid of cash, create local currencies or barter skills and food.
People will do nothing until they only have the cloths on there backs and by then it will be to late.
If too many people wake up to their tyranny WEF , globalists, governments will declare world war 3 and put us all under Marshall law, emergency and all our rights will be taken away
Yes I can see that coming, Biden and Sunak getting ready now.
UK Civil Emergencies act updated and passed earlier this year. It now allows the deployment on UK soil of foreign military personnel.
Italian prime minister Georga Meloni is controlled opposition she belongs to the club of Rome and is funded by the Rockefeller’s etc
We didn't vote for this .
Time to eject the foreign treasonous government
Sooner or later they will find ways of shutting you and others down, do not be deluded they have deep pockets driving there evil agenda and will do anything to achieve there goals.
Digital currency should achieve this.
Read Rosa Kiore's book "Behind the Green Mask - UN Agenda 21
Were I heard it from too
Yes, a brilliant book. RIP Rosa, who knew what was happening long before most of us.
Canada proved that bank accounts can be manipulated during the truckers' protest.
This is what people don't realise.If i buy too much or the wrong thing,go somwhere they don't want like a protest a cctv or my phone or car will alert them and the central bank could freeze my bank account.This with Ai could be done to millions in a heartbeat.The technology is here now. Shit is coming and little can be done.
If they do that, i'll be paying a visit to the central bankers.
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That's why they brought in The plandemic Scandemix Convid 19.
Nobody in the world voted for this
So glad you've got Sandi on!!
Instinctively, from when this technology was introduced and data protection was supposed to do just that, I’ve known it was never intended to protect us!!!
the talking mailbox crap started in 2013 i think it only ran 6 months but its hard to find if thats correct its definetely morphed into sandbox 2023 , this is connected to a mob called watershed thru the myworld community that describes itself as an " interdisciplinary community " . this is all embraced by government , Soros and all these scum bags use hundreds of little shelf companies to distance themselves ,, its like a spider web
You understand it exactly as I do! Freemasons! Most businesses everywhere are involved, charities, sports, Vatican owns the banks, the mortgages are fraud, money is monopoly, the problems are so huge funded by so many, they’re isn’t much way of stopping it. Hopefully President trump is back in April to take the deep state out like he recently stated at CPAC
I tried requesting info (In Australia). "We're too busy". So you would need to take them to Court, wait years as they delayed and asked for extensions. THEN, the Judge is a political appointee. I won in Court, the Judge said they would need to consider compensation and I'd be free on Monday. A week after, the judge had miraculously changed his mind because the Police had leaned on him. NOTE: I had broken no laws, there was no evidence, I'd just embarrassed a top cop who thought I was a famous UK criminal and a scalp to promote his career. (My ID had been stolen). The theory and law is on your side 100% - the reality is - you WILL be screwed, falsely accused of being a murderer or pedophile, your assets and cash taken and you get deported. If you overcome that - you wake up suicided. Just look at Assange or Aaron Schwartz. They have the time, money and people they own - you are a nobody to them. Only hope is to disappear (Some famous books on that).
Thank you for the invite (YouTube).
David Icke talked of this and the COVID nonsense.. That's why he was cancelled on YouTube. Solar panels are a good idea for planned blackouts.
Until they amp up the chemtrails to block out the sun...
Ahh that's where I saw Sandy before, Gareth Icke was talking to her.
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David Icke is just another antichrist controlled opposition into the New Age which is connected to the United Nations which is a Communist Zionist front.
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Unfortunately, the majority of folk are stupid! I don't say that to be mean, or disparaging; but if we look at the way the masses responded to the recent pretend "pandemic," for want of a more realistic word; it was ridiculous! If folk can get together on any subject, then indeed, change could be fought for. But they won't; because the one thing that makes them feel a part of the majority, is television; and slowly, over a long period of time, they've been "educated" into the "right" way of thinking! As long as they keep catastrophising and talking about diversity, and climate fiction, and war, and gender identity, or what ever bullshit they can blow out of all proportions; any distraction..because that's all it is; then folk are fragmented into whichever "issue" is of personal concern for them as individuals; instead of looking at the big picture. This world has turned into a, me, me, me, anyway, enough of me..what do you think of me..kind of world. We're all to comfortable in our own little bubbles. But that is going to change; slowly and insidiousy, but it will change. And this is why I say folk are fundamentally stupid; because its happening right in front of their eyes; but as long as they can watch Netflix or whatever soaps are on the tv these days..they're happy..content, in their own blinkered world. And by the time they see what's actually infront of them..it will be to late to do anything about it! Such a shame!
Ther4iam,Agree with you there's nought as queer as folk.
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The global cabal are all eugenicists hence the depopulation agenda.
So many were already wealthy, but leapt from millionaire to billionaire status by stealing and plagiarising the work of the truly intelligent and innovative "bright, young students..." and "cancelling them."
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erratum: cancelling the true authors,innovators and inventors. The thieves are now household names.
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I thought the ‘SMART’ in SMART Technology stood for ‘Surveillance, Monitoring and Recording Technology’?
All this is very interesting BUT most people do not want to know. I spoke to my son who says "I don't do Politics". With that attitude we are all at risk!
Thank you Richard for the effort that you put in to making these clips. I, like many, look forward to these insights. Much love from Tasmania x
Tyranny it is. Nothing but tyranny. Evil.
And all it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. Think about it.
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Excellent interview. Very interesting to understand where it all comes from. We must keep waking as many people as we can
Where is even ONE visible manifestation of this ongoing ‘Climate Crisis’? I see not even one.
Truth Justice ™ @SpartaJustice BREAKING NEWS: Emergency injunction and tribunal order was served to WHO and all Criminal Defendants listed below to immediately cease and desist a criminal conspiracy to commit war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity and to arrest and incarcerate these criminal defendants. All Constitutional law enforcements officers worldwide are being served starting with Interpol and constitutional law enforcements in everyone of the 194 member nations under Writs of Mandamus ordering them to carry out their duties to arrest and incarcerate these criminal codefendants for unlawful and Genocidal acts in connection with the WHO Pandemic preparedness response and changes to the international health regulations. Tribunal Writs of Mandamus is defined as: “The lawful term writ of mandamus refers to an order by a court to a lesser government official to perform an act required by law, which he has refused or neglected to do. This type of court order is a remedy that may be sought if a governmental agency, public authority, or corporation in service of the government, fails or refuses to do its public or statutory duty.” This has been ordered by the Tribunal Under Articles 6 (Genocide) and 7 (Crimes Against Humanity) of the International Criminal Code. List of Criminal Defendants 2009-2023 Lockstep Vaccination Genocidal Pandemic Criminal Co-conspiracy, including and not limited to individually and collectively: Bill and Melinda Gates individually and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. World Health Organization (WHO) and Officers, Directors, Employees, and Agents Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO Director General, Anthony Stephen Fauci. World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and Officers, Directors, Employees, and Agents. Michael Bloomberg, David Rockefeller Jr, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Rockefeller Foundation, Global Business Network (GBN), Peter Schwartz, Chairman GBN. Convicted Vaccination Genocidal Pandemi
I remember buying I think in the 70s a book called *The Doomesday Book* every one of those predictions failed to materialise but I suspect the proponents of this current agenda were big fans in the day. Interesting tit bit that the pope was involved, organised religion has always been in the control business.
Not surprising to many who realise the Vatican was always a satanic temple (the plethora of perverted architectures adorning the Basilica is rather convincing).The original Catholic doctrines doubtless had some credible goals, but as with Freemasonry, it was infiltrated by nefaric,Babylonian sects who utilised this surface altruism to establish a malignant,covert theatre of operations protected by brutally enforced oaths and no doubt blackmail ? The Rothschild/Jesuit weaponization started by Adam Weishaupt circa 17th century (with assistance of the Saxe-Coburg-Black-Nobility clan) is where the Vatican really got the ball rolling to the detriment of humanity.One of the 3 prongs on the power-matrix-trident,truly controlling planetary dominion alongside Washington DC (Military cosh) and the Crown City of London (Rothschild banking-Bar Association-Freemasonry hq).As long as they exist we can never be free of their Luciferic yoke.
We will do everything we can to end this madness, these soulless creatures must be stopped.
The greater good....a fascist concept!
Hello yes there's more of us than them but they have a equaliser for that. They have all the guns. cheers.
this lady is brilliant
SANDI ADAMS - Sandi with an I not a Y. You'll find her website on Google under Sandi Adams Agenda 21. It's a great website and well worth a visit. Must get Richard to give out those details and with the correct name spelling!
Thanks for that information I was scanning the comments in case someone posted her contact details. Sandi Adams has spent decades of her life on this subject and her acquired information is invaluable
Sandi Adams website https://sandiadams.net/ is a phenomenal resource exactly as I had expected from someone who has committed and dedicated her life to the topic. Technocracy is a useful topic to look into, Patrick Wood is the leading researcher with YouTube content in addition to his books and website. Sandi Adams explains this here in her talk with Mr Vobes
Agenda 21 (the agenda for the 21st century) was agreed to by 179 nations in 1992 and seeks to establish a totalitarian state that is being developed all over the world. For instance, under the guise of climate protection, the Dutch government plans to construct a Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending to areas of Germany and Belgium. This project necessitates expropriations of land (hence the Dutch farmers' protests) and will lead to the relocation of people out of rural areas into concentrated city centres that will make it easier for them to be controlled. As all the involved nations prepare their own plans they will be monitoring the success of the Netherlands approach.
Despite the evidence including the lock down files, many of the people I know, refuse to discuss these issues. They say regarding COVID eg it’s in the past - no point in talking about it. Are they too frightened?
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Why won't videos play on Rumble? I really want to see this interview as Sandy is an amazing speaker and Richard is bringing us the information as breakneck speed! I don't know how you do it, but thank you for playing your part. I believe it is a very important role.
This really does show up the people that wrote Agenda 21 as complete imbeciles. The want to remove us from nature. Mankind's biggest enemy is itself, I agree with that statement. But to think that you can remove us from nature is ludicrous as we are nature, we are a creation of nature. It is not possible to remove it from us, however you can remove mankind from nature by complete extinction of humanity. I've thought for many years that most of our problems are caused by our lack of knowledge of nature, where we originate from and our own natural behaviours. This is because we are a very lazy species, selfish, greedy and arrogant. Did I miss out aggressive. We each lack the control of ourselves even after millennia of development to be able to benefit humanity as a species and maintain our environment from whence came. If we follow Agenda 21 we will destroy what we proclaim to be trying to save and enslave ourselves to false gods and ideology.
It’s all an excuse for what they really intend, to murder around 7.5 billion of us. Sorry about that.
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It's Sandi not sandy for anyone who can't find her online
We need to sart with mass non-compliance across the board. The tyranny is installed now and operating to crush us. I just had a threatening text from NHS and then a box of testing kit arrived, I will not use. I am being told that if I comply with a list of their demands, I MAY be treated if or when I get ill. As a pureblood I expect to stay fairly well as I approach my 70th. Good Luck everyone. We must resist them.
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions". The "good intentions" are clearly non-existent.
Covid was surging in China by late summer 2019. This is clear by satellite imagery of hospitals in Wuhan , and by internet search engines being flooded with people looking up the symptoms associated with covid. Bill gates has offices and interests in China, including infectious disease research in hospitals and universities in Beijing and Wuhan. . . . . . . The question I ask myself is, how long would it take for Bill Gates to learn of a new novel virus outbreak from his own people in China, which would no doubt have been very busy, months before Event 201 was actually put together. This, along with an almost incomprehensible 'coincidence' of Event 201's timing, to me points to only two reasonable probabilities. Either 1. The new accidentally escaped lab virus was being used to further the Globalist's agenda. Which would mean that the virus was intentionally kept quiet, and allowed to spread everywhere before our world was turned upside down. Or 2. The virus was intentionally released, and Event 201's timing was perfectly planned well in advance to purposely prepare the world for the draconian response measures. It could be very interesting to see the original communications inviting those who attended, and when they were dated. This wouldn't actually prove anything, but the findings may well be enough to encourage more to ponder outside the MSMedia dictated box. If they were dated only within a month or two prior to Event 201, it would strongly point to the first scenario. If they were dated several months before, it would point towards either the second scenario. Or that it was, as is portrayed by the narrative, a total fluke coincidence, which I feel, is about as likely as Bill Gates filling in a one pound lottery ticket, and then winning it.
Oddly enough there was no pandemic in The West. There was no new respiratory virus. The epidemiological evidence is unequivocal.
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destroy your phone our use a old non smart phone
They are doing because they have the means of power and resourses. And it serves them well.
"They will never release anything they can't control [e.g. pandemic / false flag nuclear attack]". Sandy's truly a gem.
Problem, Reaction, Solution is how the Tyrants operate.
Communism is capitalism on steroids; There is only one monopoly and YOU are of negative value. As you can see from that massive tome they fancy themselves gods, cataloging ever flower, every animal, every resource and managing every human.
77th are clearly all over this channel,unsurprisingly i guess ?
Very scary times
CEO's, governments, billionaires including bill gates buying up farmland and large swathes of land? See what is happening with Dutch farmers? Makes perfect sense now.
That POS John Major went to Rio for the UK, so it was HIM that buried this country in this crap. The same POS betrayed this country by signing away its Sovereignty at Maastricht. Perhaps he should face a court of the people charged as the TRAITOR he is along with his successor LIAR Blair.
It's called a open prison!!!!
Sadly 'they' know that the majority are stupid..........
So how many of the signatories to this in 1992 fiasco are still alive? How many can be brought to book for what they did? There must be a get-out clause somewhere. None of these people were ever authorised to do this . The people who want to do all of this are probably the most corrupt people on earth. This is all about the communist ideology and we must rise up now.
John “2 Jags” Prescott is one of them. They’ll all be very old. Their defence is ignorance: “I had no idea of the implications”.
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The mechanism that creates money as debt, is what finances all of this. This is why, at the very core of these Groups, there will always be a parcel of bankers. Ironically, this means we are all financing them, and with our own dwindling assets and wealth. If people only realised how that mechanism worked, they would also realise that breaking that mechanism presents the solution to the problem. Starve the Globalists of the sole engine that keeps them going, and they could be rendered powerless. Their power and influence turns on the fact they have an unlimited budget, paid for by everyone. Take that away and, better still, enforce the repayment of the wealth the banks have extracted via this sleight of hand, and normality can be restored.
I don’t disagree, but humans are easily corrupted. Money is used to create incentives, which is sadly working out splendidly for the globalists.
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Thank you both for this vid. I’ve been researching this for over 2 years and it’s quite horrifying. Love your idea of people popping up on YouTube, etc, to fill in if any good people such as you are knocked down. My opinion is, there are more good people than bad, and in the end, good will win. Of course, vids like yours are the key to getting the word out. Thank you, thank you!
George H. Bush.
We didn't vote for this.
What is the reward for each country for achieving this. And also what is the punishments if a country fails? Is it money or what?
'Take us out of the equation' via mass syringing us into AI Cyborgism.Don't think this will be in the khazarian-mafia's 'Doomsday Book' ?
Thank you both for bringing truth to light.
Thank you Richard another great guest she has really done her research we cannot afford to lose this fight.
If only there was an organisation that was actively campaigning against this Orwellian government, trying to get ordinary people to oversee the machinations of our obviously corrupt leaders. Our freedoms could go extinct, maybe we should rebel? We might not agree with everything they say but if they are actually doing something should we at least be supportive? Or just remain keyboard warriors grumbling to each other down the pub!
We definitely should rebel also do everything humanly possible to wake up the BBC brainwashed sheep in their living rooms, there should be urgent announcements made on all news networks ,red alerts, everywhere warning humanity of what have been planned for their future.
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This is the reason that sheep are so dangerous . Disobey , decentralise , direct democracy .
3 cm of snow today. Really could use some of that climate change at the moment.
Remind you of anything ? The Doomsday Book. Same people behind both
I’ve noticed all their plans are punitive, we’re sacrificing on all levels, but I have yet to see any government get involved in major tree planting initiatives. That’s a brilliant way to offset carbon and re-wild. It’s far easier for them to punish, cut, legislate and steal.
this lady is brilliant
Can you please list the books here?
Please also add the link to the website of Sandy Adams. Very interesting person with lits of valuable information. Thank you.
Sorry, found https://sandiadams.net/
Richard I think you're missing the point. There are certain basic democratic Rights and Freedoms that need to be respected. Consultation isn't the way to go, for example: If a council had a vote to confiscate one rich guy's property and money if that legal? Of course not, either we have democratic Rights and Freedoms or we don't. If our politicians go along with this nonsense, we must resist. Our leaders are making a huge mistake here, history teaches us if you oppress people at some point a modern day George Washington or Oliver Cromwell will come forward, it didn't end well for the leaders who oppressed George Washington or Oliver Cromwell. Same will be true in today's world.
Please do research before sharing your opinions. George Washington was a Freemason and Oliver Cromwell was directed by the Bank of Amsterdam. They did not just "come forward".
I have a narrow focus, preciously they both took up arms against and defeated the existing political structure. I could have gone into the British Stamp Act and how that infuriated American colonialists etc. Wasn't my focus. My view wasn't my opinion, but I had a specific focus, your points are very valid just a different angle to look at.
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I am coming to the end of William Stuart's five book series titled The Invisible College and can recommend it for insights not often found. Here is the link to the books and descriptions of the topics covered if you like to check it out. https://www.williamstuartbooks.co.uk/
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Well they have always been a burden on the people with this nonsense , it's now very obvious that they are all psychopaths... Corporate, media and state ... Hostile takeover ... bastards
I think their plans are floored in that they think everyone will fall in line! They will be sadly mistaken!!
People need to start going on strike!! Hit them where it hurts!!!
That book's a modern Domesday Book.
thank you for posting on Rumble 💖 I'd do much rather watch you here than on the evil platform!! 😱
This is about making money,not the planet. For a start it's the Rich man that's damaging this planet.
It’s mostly about depopulation and total control of resources. They create money. It’s not the motive, though it is a desirable consequence for the perpetrators.
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I heard two days ago that ltaly,Romania,Belgium and Germany are pulling back on this as they are realising the effects its having on there countries.
Electronic disruption is the way forward.
As we pay for all the time and work promoting this including the likes of installing the live Alexa type spy network, is there an audit that would show the cost to the taxpayers of this self inflicted containment ?
Transhumanism once achieved, will enable computer programming to be accurate
If you're not a non conformt now then become a non conformist now ! Humanity needs you !
I like Richards agneda 23. Indeed i have gone one step towards fulfilment - the electoral roll yearly letter was returned to sender!
Many of us have known about AG 21 for years and been silenced on "socmedia." Some of those sites have gone to such extremes that other sites opened to gather information no longer given to the "Me*as." Identifying the true "friendlies" from the "fakes" takes a while. Talking to lamp posts? Well, you can be photographed, databased and filed for future potential admission to "Ward Four," Psych Unit used by the sodding Soviets for their intellectual opponents. Plus, "voice recordings" and "voice prints" can be taken and digitally adapted or sold for commercial interests. One of the "Me*as" has come up - inevitably - with a way to grab your style of writing and use it to incriminate you. I have reason to believe they have been testing this for a while...presenting "adapted phrases" as security checks
This is the reference to "Lockstep" made in the video: "In 2009, The Rockefeller Foundation conducted an exercise to explore the future of technology in development and identify ways to better respond to emerging challenges. The results were captured in a report that includes several plausible scenarios that could impact millions of people around the world. One such scenario, “Lockstep,” described a fictional pandemic that would infect 20% of the world in 2012, killing eight million people in just seven months." From their website: https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/blog/innovating-for-a-bold-future/
What really concerns me is that 'THEY' have got things wrong and end up causing the total elimination, or very nearly, of humanity. If you look into the worlds population demographics you find that on recorded trends and without any additional intervention the total world population is heading for the edge of a cliff. It projects that by 2200 the total population will be down to 2 billion approx. Add in this crazy evil depopulation event with the medical intervention that has/is taking place and I fear humanity could be put into a non recoverable decline with insufficient numbers left to rebuild the population. A major world wide natural event/disaster would seal our fate. I believe there is a very real possibility of humanity becoming extinct by it's own hand.
“They” haven’t got it wrong, seem from the perspective of the Georgia Guidestones. This is by far the greatest crime in history. I expect them to trim population down by 7.5Billion. NOT to 7.5B. The target population they have said they want is no more than 500 million.
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Great interview Richard, what a well informed lady Sandy is a puts all across very well...as always many thanks
Agenda21 is controlling humanity, and controlling the planet by very few ppl🤮🤑🤮
Imagine “Hanger games’s” districts 🤮🤑🤮
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Citizens arrest is the only way on mass its been said many times there is more of us than there is of them ⚖⚖🏹🏹🏴🏴
King Charles III & cabal agenda...
"Hello lamppost, what you knowin'"
It's called Treason.
It is a conspiracy...Nothing theoretical about it. We, in all neighborhoods/towns/cities/countries,(for we are all targeted), need to consolidate and coordinate in a movement to push back against this anti freedom, anti human agenda. Support and create clarifications for ARC(being set up by Dr.Jordan Peterson.) The UN, WHO, WEF, the corporate elites, and their government puppet acolytes, are all co-conspirators. Systems set up to steal from the poor and middle class, to give to the multi rich(governments are corrupted to support wars they initiated and are making $ off it...governments taxing, ruining the resource economy by destruction of farming shutting down of energy resource development, increasing inflation by bad money management and stealing from the people to give to the rich, by destroying the banking systems to force a central digital banking system to control the people. Many now see the developing avalanche. Now it is time to figure out a way to save humanity, and get moving in tandem on that safety net...before it is too late.
I love the line, “There is a conspiracy. Nothing theoretical about it”. I’m sure I wasn’t the first to say it, but I use it in every interview (recognising that’s what I’d be accused of peddling!). Cheers, Mike
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Started to follow you here Richard, as saw this morning you’re in You Tube’s naughty corner. One of your friends informed us on a video (can’t remember his name - the one stuffed up with a cold!). Keep up your great work please 👍
Continued. …be the depopulation mechanism. I might be wrong though. Continuing marked increases (10-20%) in all causes mortality almost everywhere is accompanied by marked (10-20%j falls in birth rates. I’m just enough of a maths scholar to know that, IF these trends persist, they could rapidly reduce population (over a few decades). But really I’d expected was this. They’ll do it all again. A new threat will be sprung on us & the authorities will insist that we lockdown again pending new vaccinations. Do remember that it’s likely they’ll have this zero trust system in place by then. If you decline injections, your money (CBDC) won’t work. You will be excluded. I’m going to choose exclusion, even though it’ll bring forward misery and death. Because if you take the first step into this automated abattoir, you will have given in. If enough of us elect to remain outside the control system, we will be forced to create a new system. I don’t kid myself. Whatever we do now, I anticipate a biblical style event, and it’s going to avoid a great deal of suffering and death. I’m reminded by concentration camp survivor, Primo Levi, that although they can crush you, you do not have to give your consent. I do not consent. Finally, as a fellow human, not as a scientist, my own journey has brought me back into faith. I think losing connection to our creator at a deeply spiritual level has been an absolutely necessary part of this totalitarian tyranny. Part of the solution is for as many of us as possible reconnect to faith, that there are powers beyond us. I classify the perpetrators as going evil things, from their core. I believe in the end, good & faith will prevail. I don’t think the old world can be saved. But I believe deeply that free, loving people with faith & humility will inherit the earth. Not the WEF, UN & fabulously wealthy individuals & foundations. “Even the wicked men will have to wait in line”. Meanwhile, a few things to prepare. Continued.
Updated Domesday Book!
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See! The Fluoride does get in!
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The blackouts will be, a choice of elite, what 15 min city will have a blackout "This city today, will have 1 week blackout!"
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A I's Achilles heel is a good old-fashioned EMP or CME on a global scale. The sooner the better to fix all this. Be prepared with food, medicines and survival supplies if you want to make it through. It will be gruesome.
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Ken Livingstone started the C20 in 2005. It then merged to C40
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We wouldn't have to do any of this if the oil companies hadn't bought up all the electric inventions and put them in the vault.
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Have any of you ever heard of daegel.com? https://youtu.be/ayzDY7B3Nrs
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Population reduction projections? Sure. Mysterious.
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We had the first rain in six months at the weekend. Gutters overflowed with blocked leaves. When was the last time you were without power for a few days? The number of books I went through was amazing! So much more 'in the present'!
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Its the coming micro nova and the electrical grid failure that has them in a tizzy. They must lower the population to increase their chance of survival. We are collateral damage.
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I don’t think that’s it at all. While grid collapse certainly is a risk at any moment, they cannot be responding to recently emerging threats because there’s evidence of AT LEAST fifty years of preparation for what’s happening now. Lies about climate are 50 years old. Pandemic rehearsals & authoritarian crackdown are about 25 years old. Some say it goes back a lot longer than this & I can see evidence in the immediate post-war legislation on public health emergencies that lends support to such claims. I stick with 25 years and 50 years, respectively, for pandemics and climate.
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As you say Sandi, all of these 2029+ restrictions on life as we know it are all documented & in the public domain by the Government. All is in plain sight. The one biggest obstacle we have in the UK is that the mainstream media will not report these truths, and interview people like yourself. Until this happens I cannot see how the masses will listen & believe what is planned 😕
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If you think its fake war go ahead and move to Mariupol or Bakhmut. Electric trains are noting new. Battery trains/tracks are indeed pipe dream.
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The entire fear provoking narratives of both covid & human induced climate change are FRAUDULENT. Pandemics & climate change were selected in the late 1960s and early 1970s as central tools in the takeover of humanity & depopulation. Obviously from your remarks, you’re unaware of this. If you listen to Sandi Adams listing documents, dates, individuals and intentions, my claims become not just plausible but easily seen. On the mechanisms of depopulation, the list is long, ranging from starvation to poisoning. I’m a forcibly retired, career spanning R&D scientist, former worldwide head of Respiratory & Allergic Diseases for Pfizer. I also fiunded, led as CEO & later sold my biotech, Ziarco, to Novartis in 2017. My training and experience placed me centrally in this fraud. I know half of the individuals involved in the fraud, like Sir Patrick Vallance, Sir Jeremy Farrar, Sir Mene Pangalos and many more. As I’ve been fired by all my biotech consulting clients I’m losing lots of money in fee income forgone. Accusations of “grifting” are typically what you get in my shoes. It’s nonsense. If I was after money, I’d not have spoken out. I know of no one on our side of the narrative who’s not lost lots of money. The odd person is commercialising their channel or what have you, but there’s no source of money available to fund people telling lies. That’s what the authorities want you to believe, so that you’ve permission to disregard them. I’ve been speaking out for about three years & am one of the most qualified scientists doing so, anywhere in the world.
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Continued. One scenario is the Bank of England governor & Chancellor will show up on TV & tell us the bad news about the pound. They’ll tell us they’ve a solution, central bank digital currency. Cash will end, though they may lie that it won’t. Digital ID will be mandatory. A new kind of ID. The combination of geolocation under 5G, coupled with an algorithm running on a global database outside of the control of government, will regulate everything you do. If they say you may not travel outside your zone, you’ll find your payment system will not work. You won’t be able to buy anything. Not petrol, or a train ticket or even a bottle of water. It’s the end of democracy. Our government isn’t in charge. As an experienced ex pharma research scientist, it was my unpleasant privilege to realise very early that covid was total fraud, yet the economy was deliberately smashed and civil society damaged permanently, on purpose. The realisation that we faced a global coup d’etat ache from the combination of a faked pandemic plus the creation of clearly unnecessary “vaccine”, which couldn’t be shown to be safe and effective in the time available. Furthermore, I assure you that manufacturing of a complex biological product takes years to establish the conditions, absent of which, what comes out of the process is nothing like what they’ve told you. The unavoidable consequences of erratic manufacturing alone is likely to include some doses that are highly toxic. I knew this was certain. Being among other things a toxicologist, when I reviewed in detail the covid “vaccines”, I didn’t sleep. I regret to say they’re inevitably & deliberately toxic. I wrote an open letter before any “vaccine” got authorised, laying out that obvious toxicities, which include blood clots, heart damage, multiple negative impacts on fertility, immune system degradation etc. 75% of the world’s population have so far been injected. I’ve never thought these “1st generation” fake vaccines would
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I have known about this for about 7 years! No one would believe me when I told them about Agenda 21! Now, people are finally waking up! King Charles III will and is leading the way!
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There is NO WAY that Agenda 21 will not happen! It has been planned since 1950! The people have absolutely NO CONTROL.
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My local supermarket has cameras in the self service tills, "for your protection" but the camera is pointing at the shopper's face! So I won't use them anymore
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Unpopular opinion warning! I believe global warming and the green house effect are real. I am not denying there may be other factors at play that are affecting climate change and global temperature, but CO2 is a factor. It has simply been hijacked by the WEF to coerce people into compliance through the associated fear, guilt and a moral obligation. I think its dangerous to dismiss the damage we may be doing to the environment. People seem to jump on the band wagon because its been hijacked by WEF & because its easier to deny it, than to take any personal responsibility or make any personal sacrifices. For the record, the WEF disgust me, and all of the puppets implementing their insane plans...
In the model that is used to show C02 is a contributory factor for global warming, H20 is the largest contributor of global warming. This fact is not discussed.
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