Positive Energy around you | Wipe Negative Energy with 417Hz | Deep Healing with 432 Hz

2 years ago

#Healingenergy #positiveenergy #positivetransformation #wipenegativity
#awakening #improvehealth
#UnityofConsciousness @UnityofConsciousness
#417hz #432hz

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Thanks for becoming part of this Journey
We hope you enjoy this experience. We hope to enhance your lives in any way. Think that you are made of: GREATNESS, PURE LOVE & LIGHT
We Love you all deeply

-Relaxing ambient music brings transformation and an increased amount of love energy, clarity of mind, awareness, activated creativity and inner peace. It is ideal for mindful, healing, chakra and other type of daily meditations. It is also good for yoga, zen & reiki practices; deep sleep, studying, reading & stress relief.
-Sound healing involves using specialised sounds, music, sound frequencies etc to create therapeutical atmosphere promoting rest, deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release (T. Burgin).

--417Hz –FACILITATES CHANGE- Assists to wipe out all the negativity within, from home and office; removes negative thoughts and behaviour, can bring and facilitate change into people and people that surround us, new beginnings in the life; powerful enough to reverse and undo negative events and assists people to come out of trauma (THE SAKRAL CHAKRA)
--432Hz –MIRACLE TONE OF NATURE- assists by releasing the stress and tension from the body and mind naturally, as it is said it is frequency in a natural way compared to 440 Hz that all instruments are aligned to -It unites human body and human consciousness with Nature Itself - Due to more harmonic and pleasant nature of 432Hz music than 440Hz, it helps in the release of serotonin and endorphins, which in turn keep the blood pressure and heart rate stable -It helps in releasing the negative energy blockages and acts as a good sound healing tool to release toxins

-- #copyrightfree and for use with no need for #credit footage are used in this video from Pixabay
--Part of the Footage is copyright protected in behalf of Unity of Consciousness Channel -- #Produced by Unity of Consciousness Channel
-- Sound: RussianPlayGirl for Illuminated Inc
--The Learning Coach
-- Benefits of Music based on 7 Solfeggio Frequencies: Meditative Mind
--Thumbnail based on art from: Gerhard Bögner from Pixabay
-Eternally Thankful for being a part in our Wonderful Dream
Have Belonging and Positivity in Mind
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