Guaranteed Back Benefits From Social Security Disability When I Win?

1 year ago

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Am I guaranteed my Social Security Disability Back Benefits When I Win? That is a loaded question. The answer depends on many a factor. You can only get back benefits if they have accumulated before or after you applied, through the date of determination or decision. And, your back benefits may not be what you hoped they would be, because it all depends on how strong you made your case as to dates. It also depends on what you put down as your "alleged onset date" (AOD), which may not end iup being your "established onset date" (EOD). Here is some of the scoop you need to know. Take a watch/listen!

As always, all statements in this video and elsewhere online are general information only, do not constitute legal advice and do not create an attorney client privilege. To obtain legal advice, retain a lawyer. Visit us at

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