Su-25 "Frogfoot" which means "Frog's foot"

1 year ago

Su-25 "Frogfoot" which means "Frog's foot" (mde, something did not please the Su-25 Pindos.) The same "rook".
Attack aircraft, deservedly earned well-deserved fame in thousands of sorties. As far as I know, the pilot, who now has the largest number of sorties in Russia in aircraft, made them precisely on the Su-25. In fact, this is generally an aircraft that, in principle, made more sorties than any other type of aircraft in modern history. Simple and reliable, soldier aircraft. Of the aircraft, of course, attack aircraft have the most combat losses. In the unofficial ranking of the coolness of pilots, attack aircraft are right behind the Army Aviation.
Now most of the Su-25s are being cut into cm3 modifications. They put displays, new KAI and again these satellites. In general, a version of Hephaestus for an attack aircraft.
By the way, the firebombers unrestrictedly stole the famous "carousel" from attack aircraft, this is when one plane attacks a target, and the second in a turn looks at new targets and, if necessary, immediately attacks them.
Video provided by the same author who sawed and "Thunderer." Materials for the video were provided on videocassette!!! from the personal archive of an attack pilot 899 cap. The full version of the video is here!

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