The War Room with Owen Shroyer MONDAY FULL SHOW 3/6/23

2 years ago

Leaked Text Messages Show Govt Officials Using COVID to Scare Populations into Compliance

The entire United Kingdom, a world really, should be outraged at leaked texts from UK Health Minister Matt Hancock’s text messages showing how they would use fear and misinformation to get the public to comply and take vaccines. Not just that, he also discussed the implications for releasing new variants. Are we just numb to the government corruption or is this just more evidence for the piles of it regarding the lies of covid-19. Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to prioritize everything except the American people and our infrastructure, fanning the flames of racism and refusing to answer questions from the media over the weekend. Talk show host and attorney Kevin Slaten joins to discuss the ongoing push to remove Soros funded attorney from office in St. Louis./t k

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