Headcoverings for Women in Scriptures and History

1 year ago

10 Reasons why headovering is not hair and a physical veil and why Women are to cover their heads in prayer and in the Assembly

Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Because the ordinance of head covering is for certain times (v4-6), suggesting a removable covering. (v6) It was to be worn during certain times (prayer and prophecy, or worship). This is not possible with hair. A man (men were instructed not to cover their heads) cannot remove his hair then put it back on when praying is done! “If a wife (woman) will not” suggests the covering was removable.

Because there is an obvious distinction between the covering and the hair in verses 5-6. Uncovering and shaving off hair are obviously two different acts: “For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn…” This means they cannot be the same.

Because a woman’s hair (length according to the individual) is for her glory. (v15) Part of the purpose of the head covering is to veil this glory, not showcase it. Individual glory is the LAST thing any should want in the Presence of God!

Because this creates quite a quandary for women who cannot grow “long hair.” Can they still pray and prophesy in certain settings? Regardless of hair length though, a covering can still be worn.

Because woman herself is “the glory of man” (v7) regardless of the length of her hair. Therefore she submits and covers herself as man’s glory in the Presence of YHWH..

Because the Greek word for covering in v15 is different from the one in verses 4-7, suggesting Paul was referring to two different coverings…an artificial one and a natural one.

Because of the way verse six would read if we substituted “hair” or “long hair:” “If a wife (woman) will not [have long hair], let her cut her hair short…” Huh? She would already have done that! The whole point of that verse is to show the shame of her not covering.

Because it would be very odd if her symbol of authority in the presence of angels (v10) was one that gave her glory (v15), since the biblical testimony of angelic worship is not glory for angels, but angels showing humility and covering themselves. (Isa 6:1-3)

Because the overall context of verses 14-15. They explain a woman’s hair as another example of why she needs an external covering, not the other way around. Her very design as a helper, as the weaker vessel, and with different features than man (including longer hair) says she should cover her head.

Because the Assembly agreed with the simplicity and power of this teaching for 1950 years, from the time of Apostles (v16) through the mid-Twentieth Century (1950-60s). We only began to disobey these precepts on a large scale when feminism hit the West like a tidal wave.

Bottom Line:

All the discomfort surrounding these verses actually demonstrates how “on point” they are. Our resistance shows us how we need to do just what they say. We have no problem asking a man to remove his hat in the Assembly, We know it’s disrespectful for a man to have his head covered during prayer.

We simply don’t like G-d’s plan for women in modern times. We don’t like biblical womanhood. And there is the whole issue of “because of the angels,” which this paper won’t attempt to address, but might have tremendous implications in spiritual warfare. (Gen 6:1-8; 2 Pet 2:4; Jude 6)

A man’s covered head during prayer and prophecy dishonors Mashiach. Likewise, a woman’s uncovered head during prayer and prophecy dishonors man, disregards angels, and exhibits personal glory before Mashiach. (v4-5, 10, 13)

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