Who Would Win the Battle Between Giant Hornet vs Honey Bee?

1 year ago

#bees #hornets #insect

In this video, bees attempt to defend their hive ends up backfiring as the hornets manage to pick them off one by one. With more hornets joining the attack, they emit a chemical signal that causes a unique phenomenon where they stop taking bee carcasses back to their nest and instead kill and discard each defender they encounter. Due to being outnumbered and lacking effective defense mechanisms, the bees suffer significant losses, resulting in the death of 10,000 bees within an hour due to the hornets' efficient killing tactics. Despite the risk of overheating due to their size, the giant hornets continue to fight relentlessly, driven by the valuable prize inside the hive. As the hornets breach the bees' defenses, they focus on plundering their resources and disregarding the surviving bees. They exchange liquids to boost their energy levels and slaughter the defenseless young to feed their own larvae and queen. This devastating battle results in the loss of 30,000 honeybees, all at the hands of just 30 giant hornets.



Ferocious Hornet Moments | Top 5 | BBC Earth

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