5 Fundamental Lessons for Success from 12 and a Half by Gary Vaynerchuk

1 year ago

What does it really take to become successful in life?

The quality of your life will be directly dependent on the skills you've built up, the character traits and standards that define you, and the choices you've made in your life so far. If you love where you're at, congratulations! You've earned it! If you dislike where you're at in life, YOU are responsible for making the change!

So, what qualities and character traits lead to more success, happiness and fulfillment?

I'm going to dive into that in this video by talking about some key lessons I took from the book Twelve and a Half by Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee). This book is a true game-changer when it comes to emotional intelligence. Reading this book will help you understand the emotional ingredients and core building blocks of a happy and successful life!

Go and pick up this book! It's an amazing read!

Follow Gary on Social Media here:

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Now, as for some of the emotional ingredients from 12 and a half we're going to discuss:

For me, I'm able to confidently say that any of my present and future success is predicated on #selfawareness. To put it bluntly: If you don't understand yourself, the way your mind works, how YOU specifically as a person are wired and what you truly want to get out of life, you will struggle in life!

It's the core that allows you to build other skills, and to know when you're moving in the right direction.

Another huge one is #accountability to yourself.

No matter what goals you have in life, if you cannot show up and do the work consistently, it's not going to work out. Having high standards and holding yourself accountable to them is the key to not only reaching any goal, but it's the foundation of building self esteem and confidence as well!

It's one of the most important skills you could possibly master in life!

Another great takeaway from the book Twelve and a Half would be patience. I know it's not something people really like talking about, because we live in a world where everyone wants things to happen yesterday!

However, #patience is a superpower!

From having 20/20 hindsight here's something I can tell you:

In my life there have been multiple projects that I took on, and have given up on too soon! In hindsight I realize that I did NOT lack the actual skill to make it work, but rather the fact that I quit way too soon!

Had I been patient for 1 - 2 more years, it would have been a MAJOR success!

Along those 3 critical skills and character traits to pick up, I'm discussing 2 more important emotional ingredients from Twelve and a Half! Take notes from this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to both my channel as well as Gary's to move your life ahead!

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