Tesla Lowers (& Raises) Prices / Shanghai Employees on "Tesla Speed" ⚡️

1 year ago

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WARNING: I will never message you in the comment section asking you to message me via WhatsApp - these are scam bots that I'm doing my best to continually block.

I'm using Twitter now 😄: https://twitter.com/DillonLoomis22


Shanghai factory tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmGaAcWbRMk&ab_channel=NewChinaTV

Model X HW4 delivery images: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOxo2a4xtF3lxeNlt68wm7-8hw1XPNLtG30FYXYeVD_6E6V6GfsDnszjL2O0G6R4w?pli=1&key=WUU1dTRCSXFwNDg2cHFoOWJHOE5STDVnUDUzNHJR

Tesla VIN Recall search: https://service.tesla.com/vin-recall-search


00:00 - Sandy on Gigacasts

00:32 - Ellie in Space

1:18 - Infographic to Share

1:26 - Ceramic Brake Kit

1:39 - Model 3's to Taxi Fleet

2:18 - V4 SuC's....Or?

3:15 - Giga Shanghai Tour

5:15 - Tesla Lowers Pricing USA

7:49 - Tesla Lowers Pricing EU

8:43 - Tesla Wins Best Home Batteries

9:20 - Tesla Raises Pricing

10:45 - Tesla Recall

11:27 - BYD Lowers Prices


*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.

#Tesla #GigaShanghai #TeslaPrices

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