Donald Trump Demands Compensation from China on Corona Virus

1 year ago

Former US president Donald Trump. Photo: AP
United States & Canada
Trump demands China pay US$10 trillion in reparations for its handling of coronavirus pandemic
In his first speech in months, Trump took aim at infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci but remained coy about his own political future
‘The survival of America depends upon our ability to elect Republicans at every level, starting with the midterms next year,’ Trump said
Topic | Donald Trump
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Published: 11:17am, 6 Jun, 2021

Former US president Donald Trump on Saturday sharply attacked infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, demanded reparations from China and denounced an investigation into his finances in a speech in North Carolina. It was Trump’s first speech in months, and he took the opportunity to frame next year’s midterm elections as a battle for the “survival of America” while keeping followers guessing on his own plans for 2024. Speaking in Greenville, North Carolina, at the state’s Republican Party convention, Trump joined a chorus of Republican politicians who are criticising Fauci for asking Americans to wear masks to guard against the virus and who at times has been sceptical of a theory that the virus escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

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