Jabs Are Causing Penis Injuries, Penis Cancers

1 year ago

Dr Naomi Wolf of the DailyClout joins Emerald Robinson of The Absolute Truth and they discuss the disturbing penis injuries that are side effects of the mRNA jabs, like penile vein thrombosis, which is blood clots and penile neoplasms and penile squamous cell carcinomas, which are cancers of the penis.

Back in September 2021 during the height of the US Government's pressure campaign to compel its citizens to get vaxxinated, rapper Nicki Minaj had tweeted that her cousin in Trinidad would not take the vaxxine because of the horrible adverse event suffered by his friend, where his testicles became swollen and he became impotent. As a result, his fiancée had canceled their upcoming wedding. Nicki urged her followers to "pray on it & make sure you're comfortable with ur decision, not bullied."

Naomi recalls how Nicki was hammered and called a "conspiracy theorist", simply for sharing her anecdote and despite the fact that the VAERS database contained hundreds of such cases.

Naomi also notes how her associate, Amy Kelly, who is leading a group of 3,500 medical professionals to analyze the Pfizer Documents that the FDA had wanted to keep hidden for 75 years, they discovered data showing that the lipid nanoparticles were degrading the testes of baby boys in utero so that the next generation of little boys doesn't even have to be vaccinated in order to have their masculinity impaired.

Naomi says, "We don't know of these little boys of vaccinated moms are going to turn into men, essentially; be able to be functioning adult men with secondary sexual characteristics, like deep voices, hair on their bodies, all of the things we recognize as male. It's literally an experiment on masculinity...Some men are going to have horrible, horrible problems with their penises, as a result of these injections."

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In addition to these findings from the Pfizer Documents, Naomi says that Amy Kelly has also found many other reproductive and hormonal side effects that can disrupt human sexuality and that may have hampered natural human desire toward one another.

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