Daily Chess play - 1360 - Climbing back up but still making silly unforced blunders

1 year ago

First game, Even game until I got a free pawn on d5, move 23. Forked 2 Rooks and Knight on c6. We end up trading 1 Bishop and pawn for 1 Rook and Knight so better for me. I make a several mistakes but so does my opponent. I check and get Bishop on f4. He resigns soon after.

Second game, I was down 2 pawns pretty late in the game. I missed a check and lost my Rook on d3, move 39. I get checkmated soon after.

Third game, up a pawn early. Free Bishop on f4, move 13. 2 more pawns the next two moves. I pin Rook to King on h3 with Queen. Take two Rooks for a Rook on e1. Opponent resigns soon after.

Good games. Made some aggregious errors in game 1 like moving my Rook into a Bishop =/. Need to tighten that up. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #endlessgaming #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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