Lest we forget TYRE (Part 2)

1 year ago

Continued from Part 1. Just to make the point about racism. In my opinion, it’s not just a black & white issue. People of the same race kill each other too. My driver whom I talk about in Part 1 was also picked upon because he wasn’t from the same tribe as the soldiers who stopped us. There are hundreds of genocides that have happened between both black & black and white & white races. Racism exists between religions too. Catholics against Muslims. You’ve only got to go back to the conflict between the Protestants and Catholics in the 1500s under the reign of Mary Queen of Scotland. The wars between Scotland and England were fought by white oppositions. And more recently the Protestants against the Catholics in Northern Ireland. Somehow, racism is now being used and pushed as a white v black issue. Not in my view.

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