ASSASSIN'S CREED VALHALLA Gameplay Walkthrough Part 4

1 year ago

In 2020, the unexplained strengthening of Earth's magnetic field negatively affects the planet. Layla Hassan, Shaun Hastings, and Rebecca Crane receive a signal with coordinates in New England, where they exhume a Viking raider's remains. Layla, struggling with the Staff of Hermes' influence, enters the Animus to view the raider's memories.

In 855 CE in Norway, a young Eivor Varinsdottir witnesses warlord Kjotve the Cruel sacking her hometown and killing her parents before she is rescued by Sigurd, son of King Styrbjorn of the Raven Clan. Seventeen years later, Eivor has been adopted by Styrbjorn, and pursues vengeance against Kjotve. Her latest attempt fails, but she recovers her father's axe. Touching it, Eivor experiences a vision of Odin, leading her to consult the local seeress, Valka. Valka induces another vision of Sigurd losing an arm before being consumed by a giant wolf.

Sigurd returns from an expedition with foreigners Basim and Hytham, members of the Hidden Ones, who came to Norway to assassinate Kjotve, a member of the opposing Order of the Ancients. Defying Styrbjorn's orders, the siblings enlist King Harald's help to eliminate Kjotve. Following their victory, Harald declares his intention to unite Norway under his rule. Styrbjorn pledges fealty to Harald, angering Sigurd, who expected to inherit the crown. He and Eivor take loyalists in the clan on an exodus to England, establishing the settlement of Ravensthorpe. Eivor then secures alliances with neighboring Saxon kingdoms and Viking clans led by Ivar, Halfdan, Ubba Ragnarsson, Guthrum, and Ceolwulf of Mercia, and helps Hytham assassinate local Order members, following tip-offs from a "Poor Fellow-Soldier of Christ."

Eivor's visions continue. Valka gives her an elixir that makes her dream of Asgard from Odin's perspective. Hoping to avert his own fated death during Ragnarök, Odin imprisons Loki's son Fenrir, who is foretold to kill him, and travels to Jotunheim to retrieve a magical mead that will ensure his and the other Aesir's souls will be reincarnated. Layla realizes these are actually visions of the Isu shortly before the Great Catastrophe, and that Loki, who was forbidden to reincarnate himself after betraying Odin, found another way to ensure his survival.

Sigurd and Basim discover an Isu relic, and Sigurd, with Basim's encouragement, comes to believe himself a god. Fulke, an Order agent and servant of King Aelfred of Wessex, captures Sigurd, believing him to be an Isu or descendant thereof, and tortures him, removing his right arm. Eivor and Basim kill Fulke and rescue a traumatized Sigurd. Eivor and Sigurd later travel to Norway, where they uncover an Isu temple with an advanced tree-shaped computer system. The siblings connect to it and are seemingly transported to Valhalla, where they enjoy endless battles, until Eivor realizes Valhalla is a dream-world and escapes with Sigurd after resisting Odin's influence. Outside, they are confronted by Basim, who reveals himself, Eivor, and Sigurd to be reincarnations of Loki, Odin, and Tyr, respectively. Basim, having been overtaken by Loki's personality, attacks Eivor, seeking revenge on Odin, but she and Sigurd trap him in the computer.

Sigurd abdicates leadership of the clan to Eivor. In England, Eivor and her allies join Guthrum's assault on Wessex, defeating Aelfred's forces at the Battle of Chippenham. Eivor later tracks down Aelfred, and learns that he is the Grand Master of the Order of the Ancients and the "Poor Fellow-Soldier of Christ". Disgusted by the Order's heresy against Christianity, Aelfred sought to replace it with a new God-fearing order. Eivor spares Aelfred and returns to Ravensthorpe to a hero's welcome.

In the present, the Assassins deduce the strengthening magnetic field is a result of Desmond Miles's activation of the Isu towers in 2012. To stabilize the field, Layla travels to the Norway temple and enters the simulation. She meets Basim, who reveals that he led the Assassins to Eivor, and tells her how to stabilize the magnetic field. She does so, but this releases Basim and traps Layla in the simulation. Layla encounters a being called "the Reader," and decides to work with him in the computer to prevent future disasters, allowing her mortal body to die. Meanwhile, Basim escapes the temple with the Staff of Hermes—containing the consciousness of Loki's lover, Aletheia—and meets Shaun and Rebecca. After they leave to bring William Miles, Basim enters the Animus to track down Loki's missing children.

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