How to Use a Franchise Purchase to Obtain an E2 Visa

1 year ago

How to Use a Franchise Purchase to Obtain an E2 Visa

Hi Beau, I am looking to fast track my ability to move to the United States by purchasing an eligible franchise. Can you explain the process so I have a better idea on the steps?


[00:21] Our immigration lawyers can also help to obtain an E2 Visa {Franchise Purchase}
[00:35] Treaty countries for E2 Visas
[00:48] Find an eligible franchise concept that specializes and works with E2 Visas
[01:19] Once the E2 visa is approved, you can stay in the United States for an indefinite period
[01:26] You can also bring your spouse and dependent children with you to the United States
[02:10] In-house financing programs that will be advantageous for you
[02:16] Beau and his team can help you to get in touch with the right franchise consultant and attorney

How to Use a Franchise Purchase to Obtain an E2 Visa

Moving to the United States can be a dream for many people, and one of the ways to achieve it is through obtaining an E2 visa. The E2 visa is a type of non-immigrant visa that allows individuals from treaty countries to invest in a business in the US. If you're looking for a way to fast-track your move to the US, purchasing an eligible franchise can be a good option. In this blog post, we'll discuss the process of using a franchise purchase to obtain an E2 visa.


The first step in the process is to ensure that you are eligible for an E2 visa. You must be a national of a treaty country, which means that your country of origin must have a treaty of commerce and navigation with the United States. There are currently around 80 treaty countries, including countries such as Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Franchise Selection

If you're looking to fast-track your move to the US through a franchise purchase, you need to select a franchise that specializes in the E2 visa program. This means that the franchise must have experience in working with E2 visa applicants and must be willing to support you throughout the visa application process. Working with a franchise that specializes in the E2 visa program can make the process smoother and less time-consuming.

Visa Application Process

Obtaining an E2 visa through a franchise purchase can be a complex process, but it can be made easier with the help of an experienced immigration attorney. The attorney can guide you through the visa application process and help you prepare the necessary documentation. They can also advise you on the financial requirements, which can be substantial.

Once you have obtained your E2 visa, you can stay in the United States for an indefinite period, as long as you continue to meet the requirements of the E2 visa program. You can also bring your spouse and dependent children with you to the United States.


One of the downsides of using a franchise purchase to obtain an E2 visa is that it can be difficult to finance. As a non-citizen, you may find it challenging to obtain financing for your franchise purchase. Most franchise purchases are cash transactions, but some franchises in the E2 space offer in-house financing programs, which can be advantageous.


Purchasing an eligible franchise can be a good way to fast-track your move to the United States through the E2 visa program. However, it's essential to work with an experienced immigration attorney who specializes in the E2 visa program to ensure a smoother and less time-consuming process. While financing can be a challenge, there are still options available. If you're interested in exploring this option further, we recommend seeking the advice of an experienced franchise consultant and immigration attorney.

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