Republicans Have The Message And We Will Bring It To The People In 2024

2 years ago

We have the message and we will bring it to the people. The people are receptive to the message.

Bombshell emails show Dr. Fauci commissioned a February 2020 paper to disprove COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab weeks before pretending the study had nothing to do with him at a White House press conference. Feb Fauci did a preemptive strike before the COVID lockdown and he made sure he shuts it all down because he has a mission that year, to get Biden elected.

Trump is smart enough to know when things aren’t adding up. Trump says this could have been shut down a lot earlier. The WHO knew it could have been shut down earlier. This year we are going to deal with “Highly Qualified”. There is not enough time in the day to discuss Dr. Fauci. We let this guy retire. Trump knew.

Iran could weaponize a nuke in 12 days. Israel has all possible means on the table to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Watch what happens.

What is Tulsi up to? Tulsi said that Democrats are the party of division, authoritarianism and war.

Capitol police, FBI failed to share credible threats before the Jan 6 breach. We are waiting on Tuckers report from the film access that Kevin McCarthy has given him on the Jan 6 events at the capitol.

Pritzker the gov of IL has set up abortion centers with lodging to meet all your accommodations. He will make sure you can kill your baby and have all the comforts of home. The abortion pill accounts for 50% of all abortions, Walgreens has announced that they won’t distribute pills in 21 states as a result of the letter sent and the lawsuit initiated by Paxton Texas Attorney General.

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