(March 2011) TEDx Talk - Dr Francis Frank Plummer - Is There Natural Immunity to HIV? (TedxManitoba)

1 year ago

Downloaded from : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGiJZwBXJ6Y
Mar 11, 2011 / TEDx Talks
Regarded internationally as a world- leading HIV/AIDS researcher and specialist in infectious diseases, Dr. Frank Plummer's work has influenced public health policy in Canada and around the world. He received his medical degree from the University of Manitoba in 1976 and studied internal medicine and infectious diseases at the University of Southern California, the University of Manitoba, the University of Nairobi, and the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. In 1984, Dr. Plummer took on a health research post in Nairobi, Kenya for over 17 years where his work led to some of the research fundamental to documenting the emerging HIV epidemic in Africa. Dr. Plummer's ground-breaking HIV/AIDS research, particularly on understanding natural immunities to the virus, is now the basis of work toward developing an HIV vaccine. He is currently the Chief Science Advisor and Scientific Director of the Public Health Agency of Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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