King Kong is a funny incident in the toilet Cartoonbox. #shorts

1 year ago


The Cartoon Box is an animated sketch comedy series created by Dutch animator Joost Lieuwma. The series features short and often absurd animated sketches, with each episode running for around one to two minutes.

The sketches in The Cartoon Box are known for their dark humor, surrealism, and satirical commentary on various aspects of modern life. They often feature a variety of characters, ranging from humans and animals to fictional creatures and objects.

Some of the most popular sketches from The Cartoon Box include "The Expert," which depicts a man giving nonsensical advice on various topics, and "The Hungry Games," a dark parody of the popular book and film series "The Hunger Games."

The Cartoon Box has gained a large following on YouTube and other online platforms, with many viewers praising its unique brand of humor and creativity.

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