Exploring Foster Adoption with Doc Dixon

1 year ago

Summary – Exploring Foster Adoption with Dox Dixon

There are many avenues of adoption and are mostly associated with adopting unwanted unborn babies. But what about foster adoption of already born children? What is the process of foster adoption like, what considerations should prospective adoptive parents consider? And what are some myths about it?

Join me, Kerry Baldwin with Doc Dixon, as we Dare to Think about what it will take for women to choose life.

Featured Guest Bio | Doc Dixon

Doc Dixon. I’m a magician, comedian & speaker. From corporate events, trade shows, to resorts in Cancun & private events — even 2 shows at The White House, appearing on The Late Late Show with James Corden and FOOLING magic legends Penn & Teller on Penn & Teller:Fool Us — I bring a special mix of amazement and hilarity that makes events successful. I’m humbled to say, that’s not just my opinion, but the opinion of my clients for the past 30 years from here in my home near Atlanta, Georgia to across the country.

Main Points of Discussion

00:00 Introduction 01:24 About Doc Dixon and how he became a Reformed libertarian 07:09 The experience and process of being an adoptive family 16:58 The struggles of foster adoption 24:42 Why adoptive parents shouldn’t be viewed as heroes 32:55 Closing thoughts

Resources Mentioned

https://docdixon.com/ Doc Dixon on Mike Huckabee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv_uhEI1V8I

Doc Dixon on Penn and Teller: Fool Us https://youtu.be/YaDnY5q_mxg

Mere Liberty Monthly Membership https://mereliberty.com/membership/monthly/

Kerry Baldwin’s work on abortion https://mereliberty.com/abortion

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