Grandrising sunshine

2 years ago

#distilledwater #vitaminc#selenium#zinc
#quecetin #proline #lysine #nac
#resveratrol #livingsilica#magnesium #liquidnutrion

Distilled Water, Your Liquid Lifeline to Health Water – it makes up most of every human being- all of the bodily processes depend on it- yet the water we drink is being steadily polluted by thousands of toxic substanses, from disease germs and viruses to poisonous chemicals added by industry or, deliberately, as controversial “medication”.

Tens of thousands of people have turned to different types of “purified” water out of concern for their health. Yet, what are they really getting? And what will it do for – or to- them? Dr Allen E. Banik, author of The Choice is Clear, explains how water functions in the body, what the effects of myriad pollutants in drinking water are, their contributions to disease- and most important of all, what really pure water is and how to obtain it.

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