Channeling Aliens, Beings from the House of El - David Lotherington & TsP

1 year ago

At 28 years old David had his first awakening. His abilities began to come in waves as he developed and the more he healed himself and others the more skills and memories came forward to be remembered. David is a Melchizedek high priest that can channel the ascended masters, angels, galactic's and GOD or EL. David has had recall of his past lives, some notable lives are Sun Tzu, Marcus Aurelius, Robert the Bruce, Achilles, Sigurd snake in the eye, Lancelot du Lac, Little John, D'Artagnan, King David and Enlil. All of his experiences combined has assisted David in helping those who are lost and are looking for a way back or for those who are looking to enhance themselves. He is a proficient psychic surgeon, Channeller, Akashic records reader and teacher who hopes to share his knowledge with as many people as possible and to heal those who need healing. After a second awakening he has discovered his true name, Ashtar Anar.

Check out David's website:

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