The case for the VECTOR Bio Lab Explosion as the source for SARS-CoV-2

1 year ago

- Starting location and explosion.

On September 16th 2019 at 5:30 PM MSK (10:30 am EDT) at the end of the work day a large explosion occurred in the Novosibirsk Oblast Region of Russia.

This area is home to an old USSR Science City of Novosibirsk which is split by the Ob River.

On the east side of the Ob River is the BEKTOP Russian Institute of State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology aka "VECTOR".
"VECTOR" is a military grade Biological Experiment Laboratories aka BSL-4 Bio Lab.
With "VECTOR" main headquarters

& the Bio Labs are located in the Koltsovo an a small urban work settlement in the Novosibirsk District of Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia.

From here on out the Russian Institute of State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology will be called ("VECTOR" Bio labs)

And should not be confused with the United States Vector Biolabs located in Malvern, Pennsylvania.

This explosion on Monday September 16th 2019 was located at "VECTOR" Bio labs and was covered by the state controlled Russian News Agency "TASS" 2 hours and 17 minutes later.

And by the state owned Russian television channel "Russia 1".

As reported in both and most sources that "during the planned repair work". That an explosion & fires broke out injuring one 33 year old male that caused more then 45% partially thick burns and lesions to his body. As far as damage reported to the building by these sources, the explosion occurred on the 4th floor of the 6th story tall square shaped building and did not damage the sub basements high security laboratories where the deadliest bacteria and viruses are used for projects and study. Nor are we told did it damage the underground walkways or onsite large cold storage and isolation storage. This is reported to have effected the 6th floor, 5th floor, 4th floor, and oddly enough blown glass out of the ground floor. There is no media of the explosion or of the damage inside or out available to the public. Quite oddly all Russian state media refers to the rectangle shaped 10 floor onsite administration building just north of the 6th story building as their visual point of focus.

"VECTOR" Bio Lab issued this statement on their website: "09/16/2019, Novosibirsk region, settlement Koltsovo, State Scientific Center "Vector"
There was an explosion of a gas cylinder with a fire (liquidated on an area of ​​30 m 2 ) on the 5th floor of a 6-storey reinforced concrete laboratory building in the sanitary inspection room, which is under repair. No work with biological material on the hull was carried out. One person was injured, the structure of the building was not damaged."

These repairs were part of the 2019 & 2020 "VECTOR" Bio labs upgrades which was the last of the three BSL-4 Bio Labs to be upgraded. The other two were the Atlanta CDC upgrades in 2012-2013 which oddly enough had it's 2014 budget reduced for the first time in history. And the 2015-2016 Wuhan CDC upgrades that the White House administration personally visited.

Later on as news spread across the news wire. The U.S media picked up  and reported on the explosion. Not to long after the social media accounts and channels started to report the explosion.

Though this may just be an observation by a viewer. An odd Twitter message was sent to the host of Agenda-Free TV at the 33:45 mark in the YouTube video. The Twitter message by @DrakeDalton13 that was later deleted stated "@lookner dear Steve you just witnessed a robbery by terrorist that now probably have one or multiple biological weapons or some group that will sell to terrorist the explosion was a simple way to cover their tracks I'm not sure what there EndGame is but it's not good ".

At September 17, 2019 6:30 AM EDT,  CNN reported "Founded in 1974, the Center for Virology and Biotechnology was once known for developing biological weapons research during the Cold War Soviet era. It is now one of the world’s largest research centers developing vaccines and tools for diagnosing and treating infectious diseases.
The head of the Koltsovo science city, where Vector is located, told Russian state news agency RIA-Novosti that there was no biological threat. Scientists at the center are developing vaccines for swine flu, HIV, and Ebola. In February, scientists there wrapped up clinical trials of an Ebola vaccine, according to TASS. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the only other center in the world approved and known to have live samples of the deadly smallpox virus."

"Could viruses survive a blast? Dr. Joseph Kam, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases (CEID) told CNN that rules for storing viruses are very strict and highly dangerous diseases such as Ebola and smallpox would be stored in the highest "Level 4 " laboratory.
Access to the samples would be limited, special containers are used and the storage mechanism is different from other laboratories, Kam said.
He added that while fire would be hot enough to destroy viruses, an explosion could risk spreading the virus and there would be a danger of infecting those in the room or contaminating the immediate area. "Viruses are fragile and more than 100 degrees or more will kill them," Kam said. He added that under certain circumstances, an explosion could spread the virus. "Part of the wave of the force of the explosion would carry it away from the site when it was first stored," he said. That contamination zone could be 10 to a few hundred meters depending on the size of the blast and other factors such as wind speed and direction, and whether it was an airborne virus." -September 17, 2019 CNN

As most research projects are located on the upper floors of "VECTOR" with the deadliest virus and bacteria research being conducted in the sub floors. The explosion had the highest risk of releasing a project that was being currently worked on or a project that was in normal storage on one of 6 floors effected by the explosion. Each floor is just under 39,600 ft2 with 10ft ceilings. 

Some public partner projects that were worked on these floors and that are relevant to this discussion are:

Project #940-98 (development grant). Development of the Live Cultural Influenza Vaccine. Head E.A. Nechaeva.
Project #940-2. Development of the Live Cultural Influenza Vaccine. Head E.A. Nechaeva.
Partner – ISTC

Project #2547p. Candidate DNA-Vaccine against HIV. Head I.N.Babkina.
Project #2153p. Designing, Engineering and Biological Testing of Multi-CTL Epitope-based DNA Vaccine against HIV-1. Manager S.I. Bažan
Project #2450p. Development of a Candidate Vaccine Capable of Eliciting Protective Humoral and Cell-mediated Responses to Broad Range of HIV-1 Variants. Руководитель А.З.Максютов.
Project #2175p. A Therapeutic Autologous HIV Vaccine on the Basis of a Membrane-tropic Preparation and the HIV-1/2 Strain in the HIV Patient. Head N.G. Perminova.
Partner – BTEP

Project #95-1214. Chemical, Biochemical and Molecular Approaches to the Study of Mechanism of Action of HIV Integrase and Reverse Transcriptase and Search of Specific Inhibitors. Руководитель А.Н.Синяков
Partner – INTAS

BTEP is of particular interest. BTEP stands for Bioinformatics Training & Education Program and is NIH's Center for Cancer and is the U.S's National Cancer Institute.

Why BTEP funding HIV Research in "VECTOR" Bio Lab? Well the answer is quite simple. HIV can cause different types of cancers. 
"People living with HIV are much more likely to get certain types of cancer than people without HIV. Certain kinds of cancer are called AIDS-defining cancers or AIDS-defining malignancies. This means when people with HIV develop one of them, their HIV infection has progressed to AIDS. AIDS-defining cancers are... Kaposi sarcoma, Aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), & Cervical cancer." 

"People with HIV or AIDS are also more likely to develop other cancers called non–AIDS-defining cancers (NADCs). While these cancers are more likely in people living with HIV, they’re not a sign that HIV has progressed to AIDS. These cancers include... Head and neck cancer, Anal cancer, Lung cancer, Liver cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma, Skin cancer (all types), Testicular cancer."

Now that we have established starting location, and explosion. We can move to the secondary locations assuming that during this large explosion at least one of thousands of projects that "VECTOR" has worked in last 50 years was released in a method whether accidental or intentional is highly probable. In this assumption that "VECTOR" is the source of SARS-CoV-2 and therefore the source of Covid-19 we are looking for out of season Influenza and/or pneumonia that satisfies three conditions.

First it must be the relative closest geographical position to the explosion.
Second it must be the closest timing to the out break and/or reporting to the September 16th 2019 explosion. 
Third it has to be within the SARS-CoV-2 incubation period of 5-11 days with some going all the way to 15 days & be noticed as symptomatic Influenza and/or pneumonia.
For this third condition we will go with a 21 day period with our starting day Tuesday September 17th 2019 through October 8th 2019.
"The basic reproductive number R0 is 2–3, indicating that every case leads to 2–3 secondary cases"

"SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, most commonly has an incubation period of five days. In addition, about 97% of people who contract the virus will show symptoms within 11 days."

Our third condition would have at minimum:
September 17th 2019 through September 23rd 2019 we would have 2-5 incubations of SARS-CoV-2.
September 24th 2019 through September 31st 2019 we would have during our first full week of Covid-19 126 infections.
October 1st 2019 through October 8th 2019 we would have during our second full week of Covid-19 16384 infections.

After years of searching only 3 locations match these criteria. Oddly there are no reports for the areas around the Novosibirsk Oblast Region involving influenza and/or pneumonia.

For the first location reported we will go with the largest concentration of those exposed.
On the morning of October 8th 2019 TVNZ in Vladimir reported "In the Vladimir region, an epidemic of acute respiratory viral infections began
More than 10,000 people have consulted doctors in the last week. According to the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Vladimir region, the epidemic threshold in the region has been exceeded by 7.7%. In just a week, 10,278 people turned to doctors with signs of acute respiratory viral infections, of which most of them were children - 6,124 children. Most of all get sick in Melenkovsky, Sobinsky and Yuryev-Polsky districts and in the regional center. There is no epidemic in Vladimir yet - the epidemiological threshold is lower by 5.9%, but according to official data, 3721 citizens fell ill, among 2086 children. No one else has the flu yet. Twelve studies were carried out in a week, only viruses, only rhinoviruses and adenoviruses, were isolated."

It should be noted that according to U.S CDC "In the Northern Hemisphere, the flu season can begin as early as October and can last as late as April or May."

Though in this circumstance there is no other news report of cases of human influenza and/or pneumonia in the country of Russia between the dates of September 1st 2019 and November 2nd 2019 using a variety of research methods. Though the U.S CDC states that October is the beginning of the season for the normal human influenza. It tends to be noticeable begin in late October with a few hundred cases appearing spread out in each countries region in the Northern Hemisphere and they are rarely reported in the news because of their commonality. Seeing a large concentrated of infection fulfills our second condition, the incubation and symptomatic period fulfills our third condition. 

As for our first condition, the timing of our third condition, & regional isolation spread in our second condition has us looking for a common mode of transport that would mean less then a days travel and have few person to person contact. The only method that fits these two sub criteria's is by airplane. The closest airport to "Melenkovsky, Sobinsky and Yuryev-Polsky districts and in the regional center" is Zhukovsky International Airport being directly 87 miles or 140 km from Yuryev-Polsky and between 45 miles or 72 km at its shortest to 185 miles or 297 km at its furthest. As for airports around the "VECTOR" Bio Lab the Novosibirsk International Airport aka Tolmachevo is located 23 miles or 37 km away. Zhukovsky International Airport is one of 5 airports surrounding Moscow in a upside down star pattern. With the three international airports located south, south east, south west & the other two local airports located on the north east & north west. Zhukovsky International Airport is located on the south east corner.

A flight time from Novosibirsk International Airport to Zhukovsky International Airport or will take just under 4 hours and used to only cost around $60 . Though oddly enough these flights have been reduced and/or limited in the last 2 years. There are one or two very small airports located near "VECTOR" Bio Lab but information is limited as is their routine flight schedules.

For the Second location we will read a news article from Reuters dated  November 16th 2020. The article in question is called: "Researchers find coronavirus was circulating in Italy earlier than thought" The main aspect of the article are these parts.

First "The new coronavirus was circulating in Italy in September 2019, a study by the National Cancer Institute (INT) of the Italian city of Milan shows, signaling that it might have spread beyond China earlier than thought"

Second "It showed that four cases dating back to the first week of October [2019] were positive for antibodies, meaning they had got infected in September [2019], Giovanni Apolone, a co-author of the study, told Reuters."

And Third "The Italian researchers’ findings, published by the INT’s scientific magazine Tumori Journal, show 11.6% of 959 healthy volunteers enrolled in a lung cancer screening trial between September 2019 and March 2020 had developed coronavirus antibodies well before February [2020]."

There are no articles that mention of SARS-CoV-2, Covid-19, coronavirus, influenza, and/or pneumonia in Italy between September 1st 2019 and November 2nd 2019.
Considering all the information the four cases most have been part of the September 24th 2019 through September 31st 2019 group do to the percentage being low meaning they are part of the first full week of Covid-19 126 infections in Italy. 

Again seeing an early concentrated of infection fulfills our second condition, the incubation and symptomatic period fulfills our third condition. Also our first condition with sub criteria is fulfilled if we go by airplane. Flight from Zhukovsky International Airport to either one of the three Milan international airports is a 3 and half hour flight. Travel from Novosibirsk, Russia to Rome, Italy with a flight change in Moscow, takes 14 hours 15 minutes and used to cost between $112 and $188. Oddly enough this flight route has changed.

For our third and final location it appears that the spread was not by airplane but by vehicle. With all three conditions & sub criteria being meet. Though a question about deliberates does arise as the in the Russian Vladimir region and Italy Milan region. The dominate strain of Covid-19 present is later identified as G-Strain, these are also the only two or the three that are by airplane and are suspected to have happen within a 48 hour time period. This next location later on was dominated by the D-Strain of Covid-19 and do to the vehicle travel from "VECTOR" Bio Lab to the border of China a 43-48 hour non stop vehicle travel across two borders can be assumed to have taken around 5-7 days if we account for 8-10 hours of rest each day,  25 minutes refueling 2 times a day, and 2-4 hours of food service each day. This is enough time for the incubation period of SARS-CoV-2 to have just turned into Covid-19 at the second crossed boarder of the trip.

Third location started in Inner Mongolia and is part of China. Inner Mongolia sits east next to the country Mongolia but on the China side of the Mongolia and China border. 
There are two articles that make the case that these are the D-Strain of Covid-19. First on Nov 14, 2019 Caixin Global reported "Beijing Plague Patients Were Medical Transfers, Further Cases in Capital Unlikely: Officials".

The main points of the article are:

Confirmation of an unknown illness. "Two people diagnosed with pneumonic plague at a hospital in central Beijing... 43-year-old man and his 46-year-old wife are now undergoing treatment in an isolation ward at a specialist infectious diseases hospital in Beijing... rumors of an outbreak of the deadly disease which conjured images of the medieval Black Plague and earned comparisons to the southern Chinese SARS crisis of 2003.

"An internal CDC briefing document obtained by Caixin says the couple, from Sonid Left Banner in remote central Inner Mongolia, began to show symptoms of the condition late last month and were ultimately sent to Beijing’s Chaoyang Hospital emergency room on Nov. 3" 

If we consider all aspects of the sparseness around the boarder section of the Mongolia and the Inner Mongolia, China. And knowing now that human to human transmission is more then likely the cause of spread of this SARS-CoV-2 and considering that these two people are secondary infections meaning they are not the people that traveled from "VECTOR" Bio Lab. Then the the time table may look like this:

Travelers from "VECTOR" Bio Lab ended up at the Mongolia and the Inner Mongolia, China around 5-7 days after the explosion. For convenience we are going with a border crossing around September 24th 2019. At this point our SARS-CoV-2 has now turned into the original D-Strain of Covid-19. 

It is unknown what happens to the travelers past this point but do to the speed of the spread from Beijing to Wuhan it is suspected that they took a flight from Beijing Capital International Airport to Wuhan Tianhe International Airport with a flight time of 2 hours and 30 mins & cost around $150.

Between September 24th 2019 through September 31st 2019 normally we would have our first D-Strain Covid-19 of at least 126 infections around the Mongolia and Inner Mongolia boarder. But this is hampered due to the sparseness around the boarder section so it would be wise to reduce the number by a division of at least 8 do to this sparseness. This gives us a secondary SARS-CoV-2 infection at the border of 16 people by September 31st 2019.

Between October 1st 2019 through October 8th 2019 we have our new secondary SARS-CoV-2 incubation period of our hypothetical 16 people infected with showing symptom's of Covid-19 D-Strain between October 8th 2019 through October 15th 2019. 

For the second article we will be looking at an NPR report on November 15th 2019 "China Reports 3 Cases Of The Most Dangerous Type Of Plague".

In this report we learned four new details. The additional information added a new person infected at the same time as our married couple "The man, age 55, is also from Inner Mongolia though authorities said his case was not related in any way to the couple medically evacuated to Beijing".

Meaning the spread has reached others that are infected but not showing symptom's this is characteristic that others are acting as host, which is a characteristic of a secondary and third infections of SARS-CoV-2 . Also we learn that hospitals in that area were already prepared for a reoccurrence of the bubonic plague and therefore asking patients of their travel history and were testing. It can be reasonable assumed they were testing for other infections in that area.

The Doctor on call that night of November 3rd 2019 that emitted the married couple to the "Beijing’s Chaoyang Hospital emergency room" stated that the man began to show symptoms on the October 28th 2019 after caring for his wife that was already showing symptoms. Her symptoms may have started showing around October 25th 2019 or a few days  earlier. Meaning she was infected with SARS-CoV-2 by someone with that was already infected  with Covid-19 D-strain around October 11th 2019 through October 18th 2019 which means she was infected by someone with the secondary wave of infections and that she was apart of a third wave of infection.

Now a quick recap:
At the Mongolia and Inner Mongolia boarder region.
September 24th 2019 through September 31st 2019 we have our first wave of Covid-19 D-Strain that hypothetical infected 16 people.
October 8th 2019 through October 15th 2019  we have our second wave of Covid-19 D-Strain that hypothetical infected 256 people.
The 46-year-old wife became infected around  October 11th 2019 through October 18th 2019. 
She became part of the third Covid-19 D-Strain that hypothetical infected 65536 people around October 18th 2019 through October 25th 2019 and so on.

It should also be added that those wondering about the 2019 Military World Games that took place October 18, 2019 through October 27, 2019 
Leaked Canadian Armed Forces Military documents titled “Potential exposure to 2019 Novel Coronavirus during 7th military world games in October 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province China,” written by Canada’s Surgeon General, A.M.T. Downes, Major General.

If we use the "It is unknown what happens to the travelers past this point but do to the speed of the spread from Beijing to Wuhan it is suspected that they took a flight from Beijing Capital International Airport to Wuhan Tianhe International Airport with a flight time of 2 hours and 30 mins" as a second secondary spread in Wuhan then the spread would look like this:

September 24th 2019 through September 31st 2019 we have our first wave in Beijing of Covid-19 D-Strain that hypothetical infected 126 infections.
Next after the 2 hours and 30 mins from Beijing Capital International Airport to Wuhan Tianhe International Airport.
We have our September 24th 2019 through September 31st 2019 we have our first wave in Wuhan of Covid-19 D-Strain that hypothetical infected 126 infections.
October 1st 2019 through October 8th 2019 we would have during our second full week of Covid-19 16384 infections in Wuhan.

And by October 8th 2019 through October 15th 2019 3 days prior to the start of the 2019 Military World Games we would hypothetical have over a million infected with SARS-CoV-2 and just over 100,000 showing symptoms. Beijing and Wuhan's public density must be considered and therefore we are confident in these hypothetical numbers.

The major problem here is the location of the Mongolia and Inner Mongolia boarder to Beijing and therefore Beijing Capital International Airport. The distance is 350 miles or 564km which is a 9 hour trip. Of our hypothetical infected people by the end of October 2019 the  SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 D-Strain would have already been well above the threshold to contain an unknown pneumonic plague in China.

At the general center to each geographical location is the "VECTOR" Bio Lab that had an explosion on September 16th 2019

End of spread to secondary locations.

In our next video we will be talking about the extremely odd September 17th 2019 Repo Market meltdown that happened less then 12 hours after the "VECTOR" Bio Lab explosion. This unknown Panic by the 4 largest U.S banks that each have large amounts of stocks in pharmaceuticals is considered still fully unexplained as to its odd nature. 

The Real Story Of The Repo Market Meltdown, And What It Means For Bitcoin - Forbes Sep 25, 2019,02:55pm EDT
"Last week the financial system ran out of cash. It was a modern version of a bank run, and it’s not over yet."
"What’s Happening, In Plain English? Somebody—probably a big bank—needs cash so badly that it has been willing to pay a shockingly high cost to obtain it."

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