Rock'n'Roll Corpse Alive (Velventeen Straightened Hours) Sleep w ur guitar 08/31/2012 Lome Marsupial

1 year ago

Song is "Velventeen Straightened Hours,"
Music by Lome Marsupial all rights reserved.

Klaus Nomi like idea, as an afterthought now.

Couldn't sleep a lot then so I put a sleepbag down and recorded song operatic songs. Then went to bed with my guitar. No not dead or stoned just exhausted and haunted by a spirit of rock'n'roll.
If you're curious about the song additions, I have it posted on this channel "Velventeen Straightened Hours" and there are added instrumental layers. So you can sort of "get" what was on the "going for."
Had some bass oomphs I couldn't necessarily edit out however.
Maybe if I go in and try that again and do clearer vocal overlays in a solo track I'll turn it into a thing.
Oh and that track doesnt start until a few minutes in. Had cut out the beginning thing in past uploads. "Feeling into" songs throws ideas and melodies around sometimes leading into something later on sometimes not. Had 4 other songs or b-sides from that.
Left on the "back burner" but sorting files and all that thing, so found this again. Posting because.

Hey want to hear some sales pitch crap!?
I have music on streaming stuff under Lome Marsupial as an alias
and have some patreon crap starting up where I'm adding tons of b-sides and processes of song and all that. Or share and like if you like.
lomemarsupial dot com is my home planet I am building and editing and adding to

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