LIVE - Calvary of Tampa Sunday AM Service with Trent Dudley | How Beautiful

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Calvary Community Church of Tampa LIVE Sunday AM Service with Trent Dudley


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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)

foreign there we go all right yeah that's a Yankee joke that was bad will you do
that can you hear me no all right go ahead and take your Bible go to Romans
chapter 9 Romans chapter nine please I beat you there you're a little slow
what's going on this morning I'm kidding I'm glad you're here this morning
um yes Pastor Jesse came down ill and he asked me to speak this morning which I'm
very grateful for I do appreciate all the kind comments from last week this is
something I have been studying a lot I'm going to hinge off of what I spoke about last week if you were not here last week
that is okay if you would like to see what I spoke about last week you can go on YouTube you can go on Sermon Audio
search up our church search up Bible line you can watch that but today I'm going to talk about a topic called how
beautiful a verse may come to mind if that's the case that's a good thing you're thinking
of the right verse so Romans 9. we're gonna we're gonna summarize through these scriptures of Romans 9 chapters 9
through 11. and I'm going to hinge off of what I talked about last week last week just a little bit of a recap the
whole purpose of God and what he did through Jesus Christ was Redemption it was all
about Redemption Redemption through Jesus Christ's blood and we see how last
week I spoke about how Israel had rejected God they would put the law
in their traditions and even sinful things such as idol worship and their
sins they got in the way of the truth of what God was trying to present to them
they put other things above God and therefore came their fall I talked about
the idea of The Stumbling Stone the rock of offense this this idea that God would be a stumbling block to them due to
their sin their transgression their rejection of him the truth would be right in front of their eyes yet they
would reject it and this morning I'm going to hinge off of that we're going to speak talk about in Romans chapter 9
look quickly with me to verse number one verse 1 says I say the truth in Christ I
lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost that I have great heaviness and
continual sorrow in my heart for I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren my
kin's been according to the flesh as I Was preparing even for last week and for this morning
I bring myself to tears I often weep over these scriptures because I I
understand what Paul is his sentiment his feeling here I understand that and I
have friends and and one friend in particular who I weep over because I want him to understand the truth I want
him to understand that salvation is by grace through faith by believing in Jesus Christ as his Savior and Paul is
crying out here saying I wish that I could be accursed so that my brethren his his physical
Brothers the Jews would trust Christ's savior I wish I could take the curse for them he was willing uh he he might say I
would go to hell if they would just believe in Jesus Christ he
was willing to give that up how beautiful verse 4 who his Brethren who are
Israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the covenants
and the giving of the law and the service of God and the promises whose
are the fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed forever you see
Israel the Jewish Nation those were his people that he had chosen he had set
them he he didn't make them saved right they had a choice and we clearly clearly see that they rejected him but he chose
them he gave them the law through Moses he gave them the covenants the promises he gave them the Tabernacle they were to
be the ones that were going to be a light to the rest of the world that was the whole
purpose because the entire purpose of God the entire purpose of Jesus Christ the Messiah is redemption that God would
redeem his whole purpose was to redeem Israel to redeem the Gentile world
we're going to talk about it in a little bit but Abraham during his time before God had spoken to him everyone was a
heathen the whole world there was no really differentiating factor between
Jew and Gentile everyone was on the same plane but God would choose Abraham and
bring a nation through his line to reach the world and he chose Israel for that task and
Paul is going to show us how Israel failed at that task they rejected him
they missed the point look at verse 6 not as though the word of God has taken
none effect for they are not all Israel which are of Israel neither because they
are of the Seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be
called he's going to make he's going to draw a line here you have the physical nation of Israel
but then there's a there's a spiritual aspect they are not all Israel they're they're not all Israel which are
of Israel so he has the people who are born through the line of Abraham they are the Jews physically
but there's a seed a spiritual seed this idea that those who are just born into
Abraham's family are not of this spiritual seed something needs to happen look at verse 8. that is they which are
the children of the flesh physical these are not the children of God
but the children of the promise are counted for the seed um if you look on the screen
look at Genesis 21 12 says and God sent unto Abraham let it not be Grievous in thy sight
because of the lad and because of the Bond woman in all that Sarah hath said unto thee hearken unto her voice for in
Isaac shall thy seed be called this seed would be the promised seed in which the
Messiah would come a spiritual line would come through you have those who
are born physically but he's talking about something more than just the physical nature of the Jews
when you see this when you understand this it will blow your mind it will blow your mind the end of verse 8 says the
children of the promise the promise was through Isaac through his seed the promise
are counted for the seed for this is the word of the promise at this time will I come and Sarah shall have a son Isaac
not only this but when Rebecca also had conceived by one even by Our Father Isaac
for the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to
election might stand not of works but of him that calleth it was said unto her the Elder Shall Serve the younger as it
is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated take your attention to the screen the promise given to Abraham says
now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy Kindred and from thy Father's House unto
a land that I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nation the Jewish Nation
and I will bless thee make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee
curse him that curseth thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be
blessed I got water this week
praise the Lord he says in thee in Abraham in his loins would all the
families of the earth be blessed in thee in thee through his seed the promise that would come through Abraham to Isaac
to Jacob now God had foreordained that this uh would happen you see
a lot of people like to take the scriptures that I'm about to go into and say that God just picks and chooses
certain people to be saved certain people not to be saved well if you look at it that way you're not getting the point of what Paul is bringing across
Paul is making a distinguishing factor between the physical Jew and the spiritual Jew those who will believe
something that's why when he says Jacob have a loved Esau have I hated Jacob would be the one that the promise would
come through Genesis 15 Verse 6 look on the screen says and he this is Abraham believed in
the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousness you see this promise to
Abraham was a promise of Faith Abraham had to believe it
and the promise would carry on that way through faith so when it got to Isaac Isaac had to believe it Jacob had to
believe it it was a promise not under the law this
was before the law ever came the law of Moses
look at uh chapter 9 verse 14 look at your Bible says what shall we say then is there unrighteousness with God God
forbid you notice my quote on the screen says Paul asked this knowing the point would be misunderstood not all flesh
Israel would be saved but all who believe in the promise would be saved you think of Galatians 3
verse 28 says verse 26 says for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus
those who are children of God are not those who are born into the this world in their flesh but they're the ones who
believe in Jesus Christ so if a Jew recognize their Messiah as Jesus Christ
and believed in him they would be a part of the promised seed
and he's going to dive into showing how the Gentiles would be a part of the promised seed but just because the Jew
was born and they are of Abraham does not mean they are part of the promise okay you see he's drawing a line here
if you look at verse 15 Paul's going to quote a lot of scripture here for he says to Moses I will have
mercy on whom I will have mercy I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion so then it is not of him that
willeth nor of him that runeth but of God that showeth Mercy
that's a quote from on a screen Exodus 33 19 says and he said I will make all my goodness pass before thee and I will
proclaim the name of the Lord before thee and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show Mercy on
whom I will show Mercy you need to remember the overarching point of God and his purpose and through Jesus Christ
is that of redemption okay but is up to the individual whether or not he will believe
what God is trying to get across see a lot of people uh particularly those of the calvinist
camp like to look at pharaoh and say that God made Pharaoh do what he did God
made Pharaoh reject him no Pharaoh had a choice and he chose to reject God but
you see God would use that rejection for his ultimate goal Redemption
and it would be through Moses out of the land he would redeem them
look at verse 17. of chapter 9 of Romans for the scripture
says unafaro even for this same purpose have I raised thee up that I might show
my power in thee and that my name might be declared throughout all the Earth
therefore hathy Mercy on whom he will have mercy and whom he will he hardeneth
that will say then unto me why did the yet find fault for who hath resisted his will here's Paul's response nay but oh man
who are thou that were placed against God shall the thing formed say to him that formed it why hast Thou made me
thus hath not the powder power over the clay of the same lump to make one vessel into
honor and another End Of Dishonor what if God willing to show his wrath and to
make his power known endured with much long-suffering the vessels of Wrath
fitted to destruction and that he might make known The Riches of his glory on the vessels of Mercy which he had a four
prepared under Glory attention to the screen the rest of Exodus says and in very deed for this cause have I raised
thee up for to show in thee my power and that my name may be declared throughout
all the Earth you see the point his name would be declared throughout all the Earth the the knowledge of God would go
throughout all the Earth attention to the screen Esau remember Jacob have I loved it Esau have I hated
Esau rejected his Birthright Esau chose the line would come through Jacob this
promised seed Pharaoh rejected Moses he rejected God they chose Israel and this
is the point point number three this is the point Paul is trying to make Israel similarly rejected their God through sin
and idol worship Israel rejected it yet God knowing these things in advance
he uses these things he used Pharaoh he used his rejection that's why God would Harden his heart again and at the tenth
plague we see the great picture of the Passover of redemption Through Blood and
Israel would be brought out of the land and similarly you and I would have Redemption Through Blood and be brought
out of something into another thing he even desires they change their mind you see
God wanted Esau I know not if Esau trusted believed in the Messiah but he would want Esau to believe he wanted
pharaoh to believe he wanted all of Israel to believe his whole purpose was Redemption
he would use the nation of Israel to reach the rest of the world
and even though they rejected him he would use them to reach the rest of
the world this is what's amazing about it look at verse 24 even us whom he hath
called not of the Jews only but also of the Gentiles here are you
raise your hand in the room if you are a Jew I see one Jay
yay raise your hand if you are a gentile that means you are not a Jew okay every
hand went up you're over the live stream okay Gentile we are a gentile
now the Jewish Nation rejected Jesus Christ come onto the scene this idea Paul is
going to show us the Gentile you will have a responsibility look at verse 25.
as he saith also in OC that means Hosea I will call them my people which were
not my people and her beloved which was not beloved
I wanted to make this point uh regarding those verses before these verses in Romans 9 are not calvinistic proof texts
meaning God sends some to Heaven God sends some to hell but they show us the love and mercy of God and that he
desires to reach the whole world Israel failed and he would use that failure to
reach the Gentiles Israel was supposed to be the entity to reach the whole world but they weren't
they failed they stumbled at The Stumbling Stone Christ is that rock they
through the scriptures they were supposed to know that a messiah would come
and pay for all the sins of all the world and they were supposed to be the light bearers of that word to the
nations of the world to you and me that was the goal they rejected Christ their
Messiah they are still looking for a messiah to come as a king in power and
authority but they missed the purpose as I talked about last week they missed the Isaiah
53 suffering servant who would die and pay for all the sins of all the world of
all time how the Gentiles the Kings would shut their mouths at him when they see it happening
does this individual would come and shed his blood for all the sins of all the world
the Jewish Nation missed it and here is what we have God will go to the Gentiles
Hosea 2 23 Paul quoted this and I will sow her unto me in the earth and I will
have mercy upon her that had not obtained Mercy I will say to them which were not my people Thou Art my people
they shall say thou art my God the Jewish nation was his people that he
chose but they rejected him so now you Gentile are the people he would go to they were
not my people but he will say thou art my people and remember this promise would be of
faith so that Jew or Gentile could receive the Promise by faith
continuing on if you look at verse 26 and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them you
are not my people there shall they be called the children of the Living God if you pay attention to the screen yeah the
number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured nor numbered and it shall
come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them you are not my people there it shall be said unto them you are
the sons of the Living God this promise would make its way to the Gentiles all
the way to us verse 28 in your Bible 27 Isaiah also cries concerning Israel
though the number of the children of Israel because the sand of the sea a Remnant shall be saved for he will
finish the work cut it short in righteousness because a short work will the Lord make upon the Earth we're going
through chapter 9 quickly because I want to get to chapter 10 but there's there's a point to be made here the Israel
Nation the Jewish Nation rejected God they stumbled at what God's plan was but
God was going to use that fall that stumbling to still reach the world
because you remember the overarching point God is a god of redemption a god
of love yes he is a holy righteous judge but the
overarching point is God wanted to reach the world he used pharaoh to get his name out
and he was going to use something else to get his name out throughout all the world
there's a quote from Isaiah you notice how much Paul is quoting the Old Testament verse 9 of Isaiah 1 says
except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small Remnant we should have been less Sodom
we should have been like under Gomorrah The Remnant is the children of the Promise by faith Jew and Gentile by
faith in the coming Messiah if they were before and we look back to the Messiah The Remnant those who would be of this
promised seed by faith you see one of the issues that Paul is
going to address is since the nation of Israel was given the law and the Tabernacle and the covenants
and all these things that they were to do one of their main problems was that
they put those things out of the correct placement you see the Promise by faith was before the law
the law came for a purpose but the law was never to save anyone keeping the Ten
Commandments would never save anyone if you don't realize there's 613 of them
but those never save anyone keeping the law would never say but Israel stumbled
they messed up they got the law in the way their tradition in the way they put other things above God above
the promise of faith and they stumbled and they thought that
their righteousness would be by keeping the law doing good deeds as we like to
say being a good person they thought they would obtain their righteousness from those things but God's promise of
righteousness would be through faith and it would be through anyone who would
believe in him the children of the Promise by faith look now
at verse 30. here's a conclusion of chapter nine
what shall we say then question mark the the Gentiles
which followed not after righteousness have attained to righteousness
even the righteousness which is of faith
but Israel which followed after the law of righteousness they were given it they
were given it they were given the word remember Israel which did follow after the law of righteousness hath not
attained to the law of righteousness wherefore why not why didn't Israel attain to it look he answers it in verse
32. wherefore because they sought it not by faith but as it were by The Works of the
law for they stumbled at that stumbling Stone as it is written behold I lay in
Scion a stumbling stone and rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him
shall not be ashamed the initial promise given to Abraham was that Abraham would
believe God there was a great picture given to Abraham so so wonderful a very
he used Abraham's culture to illustrate this picture that that God would put Abraham to sleep
see he was Abraham was told before this to go get you some animals Abraham I don't recall the animals cut them in
half and lay him out lay them out before you some on this side some on this side almost like you you picture some animals
cut in half on that little walkway right there in the aisle these animals split in half Blood on the ground
and he was going to make a covenant a promise with Abraham and apparently the culture of that day
was that the two individuals that walked down would walk through and that was a promise made to one another and if you
broke the promise what was done to those animals would be done to you
split in half but God put Abraham to sleep before he ever walked through and
God walked through himself and God was promising to Abraham and all
Abraham had to do was believe it and if God broke that promise
to God what a promise what A Promise by faith and that's why it says in Genesis 15 6
Abraham believed God and it was counted to Abraham for righteousness The Remnant
are those who believe God it is counted to them for righteousness so Israel they
missed this idea that it was by faith because they tried to keep the law for
their righteousness they missed the point but God was going to use the fall of Israel
to still reach the world God is not done with Israel he desires that they be saved clearly Paul's sentiment is I wish
they would believe I wish they would be saved but God would use their stumbling so that they could reach the world
I have some points here on the screen says Israel sought righteousness by the law the Gentiles obtain righteousness by
faith now this doesn't account for all people like people of both parties uh reject
people of both parties can believe the whole point is that God would wish everyone would believe verse number
three says Israel did not obtain and that they stumbled at The Stumbling
Stone they did not seek salvation by faith but rather by The Works of the law
Paul quotes these verses on the screen Isaiah 8 14 says and he shall be for a
sanctuary this is referring to God but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock
of offense to both the houses of Israel for a gin and for a snare to the
inhabitants of Jerusalem because they rejected him they stumbled at the truth of which he was trying to
bring they knew the words of God but they followed after their own self-righteousness Isaiah 28 16 on the
screen says therefore thus saith the Lord God behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone a tried Stone a
precious Cornerstone a sure Foundation he that believeth shall not make haste
those who reject it stumble at it they miss it those who believe it are not
ashamed those who believe it are counted for the promise because the promise is by faith
faith means believe those who believe chapter 10 verse 1.
we're rolling right along as Yankee likes to say moving and grooving
Romans 10 verse 1. look at this Brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved
you see when I was studying for this just last night even I was weeping I was in tears
because I understand what Paul is saying here he wants his
brothers to believe he wants them to believe I had an uncle who I had shared the gospel with long
ago I was probably 12 or 13 at the time not long after I trusted Christ the Savior and I wanted him so badly to
believe I had just understood it in about a year or so ago myself and I I
understood my responsibility to share the gospel and I went to my uncle not my uncle John John different uncle
but I went to my uncle and he rejected it he would not trust in Christ the Savior and I wept I wept
right in front of him but he just wouldn't understand it he just wouldn't grasp it all he had to do was believe it
the promise was to him he could believe it but he rejected it and the same way
Israel rejected God their Savior and Paul is crying out I wish that they
would believe it I would go to hell if my brothers would believe wow how
beautiful verse 2 for I bear them record that they have a Zeal of God but not
according to knowledge you remember last week Hosea 4 6 the house of Israel is
destroyed because of lack of knowledge they didn't understand they missed the
point verse 3 says for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and
going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the
righteousness of God Norse 4 says for Christ is the end of
the law of righteousness to everyone that wet believeth
on your screen he that believeth shall not make haste you will not be ashamed if you believe Israel did not believed
except for that Remnant that did that chose to on the screen here herein lies the root
problem Israel stumbled at the truth and they did not believe it rather they believed in their own self-righteousness
through the keeping of laws and Commandments you know when I studied this I realized these chapters right
here they are particularly to the Jew written to the Jew pleading that they would trust in Christ's savior but this
is the answer to all the false teaching out there this is the answer to the calvinist to the Mormon to the Jehovah's
Witness Christ is the end of the law of righteousness to everyone that believeth
the Jews set up the 613 Commandments which if it were even possible for a man
to keep would he be saved they put those things in and they said I'll trust in these things I'm going to
try to keep the law to be saved the calvinist says I'm picked not you
but you still gotta have works on the back end to show that you're safe you see works for salvation was never the
plan of God from the Mormon to the methodists to those according to their doctrine that
believe works are required for salvation false false Christ is the end of the law of
righteousness to everyone that believeth anyone who does not submit themselves to the righteousness of God by faith
is not saved you have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved if you put
anything on the front if you put anything on the back of that you're in error you have missed it and Israel
they really fumbled the ball they put their Idols above God they put their sin above God and they put the law way above
what God had ever intended it for no one was ever supposed to be saved by keeping
the law no one was ever supposed to be saved by doing good deeds
the initial promise was by faith alone
verse 5. in Romans 10. it says for Moses describeth the righteousness which is of
the law that the man which doeth those things shall live by them
you see the law is a yoke to those because the law does nothing but point
out what you're doing wrong you're a sinner this is why Jesus when he spoke
to the Rich Young Ruler as he is called the Rich Young early when he spoke to him he said well you got to do this son
you got to do this this this this this and the Rich Young Ruler says well I've done all these things for my youth and
Jesus looks at him and says go and sell everything you have rich man if you will and he walks away
sorrowful because he realizes wow that's a hard task I'm rich I don't want to get rid of all this but Jesus is using the
law to point out that you sir are a sinner you need a savior me Jesus me is
the savior Paul is saying the Israel missed the savior they look to themselves for
salvation he says those that are under the law you're going to live according to those
things those are the things you're going to try to attain righteousness by as we
like to say those are the things you're going to try to do to go to heaven it's a yoke of bondage look what he says
verse 6. but the righteousness which is of faith
speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart who shall Ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down
from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring Christ again from the dead
but what saith it the word is neither even in thy mouth and in thy heart that
is the word of faith which we preach to the screen uh if verse 5 quotes this
Leviticus 18 5 you shall therefore keep my statues and my judgment which if a
man do he shall live in them there's a verse in Deuteronomy that says cursed is the man that doeth not all
things of the law to keep them you see that in Galatians 3 we'll turn there in a moment Deuteronomy 30 on the screen
says for this commandment which I command thee this day it is not hidden from thee neither is it afar off
it is not in heaven that thou should say who shall go up for us to heaven and bring it unto us that we may hear it and
do it neither is it beyond the sea that thou should say who shall go over to the
Sea for us and bring it to us that we may hear it and do it but the word is very nigh that means close unto thee in
your mouth and in your heart that you may do it see Israel knew the word many
of them as I said last week they memorized the whole first five books of the Bible they knew the word of Moses
like the back of their hand top to bottom through and through in Hebrew they knew it they knew it but they
missed who it was talking about and Paul says it's right there it's in your mouth you quote it every day but you still
don't know who it's talking about and so when you get to verses 9 and 10 you see the point of Paul
so many people pull this out of its context and use it way out of proportion look at verse 9.
that if Thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and Shall Believe
in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead Thou shalt be saved for
with the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
notice before we explain that point one on the screen the law was required to be
kept fully God gave the law and expectation that they would obey
and if you did not point two says one is cursed if it is not kept fully Deuteronomy 27 remember the initial
promise of Faith came before the law
the law came due to the transgression and sin look at Galatians 3 now
we'll go back to Romans hold your spy there look at Galatians 3. quickly quickly this is so good
Paul is pleading and crying out Galatians 3 he's crying out to the
Israelites for them to be saved
yeah they would see the ultimate Redemption that God would have for them Galatians 3
look at verse 6. even as Abraham believed God and it was
accounted to him for righteousness know you therefore that they which are of Faith the same are the children of
Abraham not just those who are born from Abraham physically it's those who are of Faith they are counted for the promise
verse 8 and the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the Heathen
through faith preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying in thee shall All
Nations be blessed so then they which be of Faith are blessed with faithful
Abraham see all the nations of the world it doesn't matter who you are you need to believe in the promise and God's promise
was someone would come and pay for all the sins of all the world of all time as
a done deal and anyone who believed it would have salvation verse 10.
before we read that anyone who believed it would be counted for the promise Jew or Gentile verse 10 says for as many
as are of the works of the law are under the curse for it is written cursed is
everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them point two on the
screen one is cursed if it is not kept fully verse 11 but that no man is justified by
the law in the sight of God it is evident for the just shall live by faith
and the law is not of Faith but the man that doeth them shall live in them
the purpose of the law you can go back to Romans you can go back to Romans the purpose of the law was to show us
that we sin you see there was no given law of Moses before Abraham okay
transgression ran repent now yes there is death by sin okay there is a
consequence that you would die and you would be separated from God did not not colossal mic if you did not
believe in Jesus Christ so if you don't believe in Jesus Christ you wouldn't be counted for the promise
but the law was given because of the transgression because of
sin running rampant okay so the law was given so it would point to a savior
because the law does nothing but show us that we are sinners that's why it says the man will live by them see in the law
one moment in the law it's a yoke of bondage okay
you're bound by the law salvation was never intended by the law it was by faith so the law was given for the purpose of
showing you that you sin and you need a savior and Israel missed that point that was the whole purpose of the law is
never given so that if you keep it you'll be saved it was given to show you that you need a savior okay
Paul calls it a school master in Galatians 3 it says to point you to Christ
look now at verse 9 and 10 again it says that if Thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord
Jesus and Shall Believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead Thou shalt be saved habakkuk 2 4 says
behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall
live by his what faith Isaiah 49 23 before we get there so the
purpose of Romans 10 9-10 which so many pastors just love to use out of their context is this when you are confessing
the Lord Jesus that is not something where you are just saying your sin you're rattling off of the mouth all you're sin to God and you go down into
prayer and saying God forgive me on my sin I believe in Jesus Christ I'm saved no that is not the point here what Paul
is trying to iterate is that the Jews needed to realize that Jesus Christ is
the Lord and that they needed to believe in him okay they needed to acknowledge that they needed to come to an agreement
with God that he is the savior and then it says believe in your heart that God
hath raised him from the dead because the Jews they knew the word but they didn't believe what it was actually saying they didn't believe it that's why
he says in verse 10 the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto
salvation you're acknowledging it therefore you believe it therefore you are saved verse 11 for the scripture
saith whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed on your screen and thou
shalt know that I am the Lord for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me
in Isaiah 28 6 remember whosoever believeth shall not make haste you won't be ashamed the promise is by faith to
those who believe in the Messiah on the screen Paul wanted the Jews to
acknowledge Jesus as the savior how can you believe in something that you have not even acknowledged to be
true all who recognize that Jesus is the savior and believe in him are saved
that's why when he says in verse 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord that's Jesus shall be saved
how then shall they call on him and whom they have not believed the Jews never believed in Jesus Christ so Paul is
saying it's him he's right here he just died on a cross for you believe in him
we're Witnesses of it trust in him believe him is by faith your father
Abraham believed it why won't you believe it keep reading
verse 14. how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed how shall they
believe in him and whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a
preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent
as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of
peace and bring Glad Tidings of good things notice on your screen another
quote how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him
that bringeth good tidings that publisheth peace that bringeth good
tidings of good that publisheth salvation that saith to Zion thy God reigneth
Isaiah that's written right before the servant would come and be killed be
prophesied that he would be killed for all the sins of all the world that he would be rejected
for the sins of the Jews and of the Gentiles and anyone who would believe it
would be counted for the promise look at verse 16 but they have not all
obeyed the gospel for Isaiah saith Lord who hath believed our report on the
screen who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed
you remember the overarching point of God was Redemption salvation that's why the initial promise was by faith because
God knew that nobody could keep the law he gave it with the expectation to keep
it but he knew no one could keep it it would point to your sin you are a sinner I am a sinner I need a savior he
knew and he says who would believe who would just believe what I'm showing them
it was so close to them they recited the words every day they still do it I went
to a Jewish uh uh Shabbat the the welcoming end of the Sabbath and that's about all they do their services are are
just a lot of prayer and a lot of recitation and they they do the the in in focusing on the word and they recite
and they recite and it's constant scripture in Hebrew I didn't know anything they were saying but thankfully
they had a side by side English Hebrew Bible I could use but they recite the word over and over and over from from
all the way from Adam all the way down the Psalms throughout the Old Testament and they know the word like the back of
their hand but they missed who it was about so Isaiah's plea to them and Paul is crying out to them who hath believed
our report they put the law as the standard of their righteousness but the truth is
Jesus Christ was to be the standard of righteousness
look at verse uh 17 quickly not on the screen so then Faith cometh
by hearing and hearing by the word of God but I say have they not heard referring
to Israel yes verily their sound went into all the Earth and their words and to the end of the world look on the
screen Psalm 19 4 that's where he quoted their line has gone out through all the Earth and their words to the end of the
world in them hathy set a tabernacle for the Sun the words of God are out and Israel
knew Verse 18 19. but I say did not Israel know
first Moses says I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and
by a foolish Nation I will anger you on the screen Deuteronomy 32 21 says they have moved me to jealousy
with that which is not God they have provoked me to anger with their vanities and I will move them to jealousy with
those which are not a people the Gentiles I will provoke them to anger with a foolish Nation the Gentiles you
and I would come on the scene and Paul is going to introduce that how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the
gospel of Good Tidings that publisheth peace and will come the Gentiles due to
Israel's rejection of their Messiah says faith faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of God Israel knew
the word but they didn't hearken to it they didn't believe it notice verse 20 says but Isaiah is very
bold and says I was found of them that sought me not I Was Made manifest unto them that asked not for me after me but
to Israel he says all day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gain saying people on
the screen I am sought of them that ask not for me I am found of them that sought me not the Gentiles I said behold
me behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name I have spread out my hands all the day
unto a rebellious people which walketh in a way that was not good after their own thoughts God wants Redemption Israel
rejected him but God would still have Redemption by using Israel's rejection
to reach the world through a different entity
I'm going to summarize Romans 11 a little bit for sake of time notice on the screen God has always
wanted Israel to believe to be saved since they failed God would use the
Gentiles the remnant are those of Jew and Gentile that seek
the Lord by faith it has always been by grace through faith you see if you go back to Galatians
quickly go back to Galatians 12 43 in a church Bible
notice in Galatians chapter 2
Paul Paul is very very good with his wording he's a sharp student of the word
it makes it so clear in Galatians 2 look at verse uh 15.
we who are Jews by nature and not Sinners of the Gentiles knowing
that a man is not justified by The Works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we
have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the Faith of Christ and not by The Works of the law
for by The Works of the law shall no flesh be justified
that's why the promise was by faith to Abraham God knew the law would never justify anybody you can go back to
Romans he knew the law would never justify anybody it was by faith faith in
the coming of us of the Messiah for Abraham even all the way back to Adam they had to believe ahead now you and I
we look back to Jesus Christ who's already come we see that in Isaiah 53 he was that suffering servant that would
die for all the sins of all the world he would be pierced he would hang on the tree he took the curse for us Jesus
Christ who had no sin who is perfect the ultimate Redemption
story of God that he himself would take the curse for me on the tree as it says
in Galatians 3 10. cursed for you and for me as he died a
bloody terrible death on the cross for all of our sin and Israel looks at that
and scoffs at God but the promise has always been by faith
alone in Christ alone God himself would bring Salvation as I reiterated over and
over last week he would do something after the manner of Egypt just like the Passover when they put the blood on the
doorposts that God would pass over them he would not take their firstborn son
he took those of Egypt but those who believed his word he passed over and
just as you and I if we believe what he has done for us trust in his word faith
come by hearing and hearing by the word of God if you believe it you receive
everlasting life and he looks at you and you are Justified you are declared
righteous and you become a child of the promise
in the line of Faith just as Abraham and Isaac and Jacob
you become a part of that Promise by faith you the Gentiles us
ugly stinking rotten Gentiles would still become I'm just kidding we would still become a part of that promise and
it's not how you look it's not how you perform it's not what you do or what you say it's what you believe
Jesus Christ that he died for you and that's what Israel missed but God would still use that to reach a lost and dying
world if you notice oops if you notice Romans chapter 11
I forgot the slide that was next Romans 11. look at verse uh one we'll take a
peek at this really quick we have time Romans 11 verse 1 says I say then hath God Cast Away his people that means
Israel God forbid for I also am an Israelite of the Seed of Abraham of The
Tribe of Benjamin Paul knew where he stood God hath not Cast Away his people which he foreknew
what ye not don't you know that's what you're saying don't you know what the scripture says of Elijah Elias Elijah
how we maketh intercession to God against Israel saying Lord they have killed thy prophets and dig down thine
altars and I am left alone they seek my life but what's saith the answer of God
to him I have reserved to myself seven thousand men which have not vowed the knee to Baal even so then at this
present time also there is a remnant according to the election of Grace and
if by Grace then is it no more of Works otherwise Grace is no more Grace but if it be of works then is it no more grace
otherwise work is no more work oh that's a tongue twister right there right all right but God elected that those who
would believe in him would be saved he says it's not by works but is by faith is by grace through
faith if it's by Grace then it is not of works if it is by works it is a not of
Grace that tongue twister I think it's a great tongue twister for a very good cause he's saying these two are not the same
things uh that are different are not the same right they're different we would be
saved by grace not by works see Israel thought they would be saved by their works by their deeds they needed to
recognize Jesus saves them and if they put their faith in him alone they would
have everlasting life quickly look at verse 11 of chapter 11. I say then have
they stumbled Israel that they should fall God forbid but rather through their
fall salvation is coming to the Gentiles for to provoke them to jealousy the
whole point see Israel didn't have to reject him had they not rejected him things would look a lot different they
would have been a light to the world but they did so through their fall God would use that to reach the Gentiles and to
spread out through all the world but he still wants Israel to be saved notice verse 25 of the same chapter for
I would not Brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits that
blindness in part is heaven Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles become in
so he would use the Gentiles to now reach the world notice verse 32 quickly for God hath
concluded them all in unbelief that he might have mercy upon all you see God's whole plan is redemption
Israel failed to recognize the true plan the true purpose the faith promise now
the Gentiles we picked up on this praise God for the apostles and the disciples the men who gave their lives to get that
message to us praise God for our I was looking at our missionary wall today I almost cried as I was standing in the
hallway as Bob was doing a Sunday school I was I was meditating on what I was going to talk about and I almost wept and I was reading what these
missionaries were doing have you read those are missionaries whom we support who some of them would be willing to give their lives to get the message to
people like you and me across the world praise God for people like that as Paul
and Peter and James and John lost their lives to get the gospel message to us
and that God would look at me a gentile a nation in whom he has not chosen and
say I'm going to use you to reach the world and now he looks at us the Gentiles but
also the Jew by faith those who are by faith he looks at us who have believed
I'm going to use you to reach the world because my whole purpose was Redemption and you get in by faith in Jesus Christ
attention to the screen I beseech you therefore brother this is Romans 12.
don't just pick up uh somewhere random in Romans the whole thing is very cohesive he goes 9 10 11
12 is there for a reason look at verse 1 I beseech you therefore Brethren by the mercies of God that you present your
bodies a Living Sacrifice wholly acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service wow what a calling
what a calling he's saying Israel rejected it they failed God had chosen
them they missed it they did not believe many of them
there were some that did like in Elijah's day they didn't bow to bail they didn't get
their self-righteousness in the way they believed God but he set Israel if you will to the
side because they rejected him they stumbled and now he goes unto us the Gentiles
and he says I beseech you Brethren by the mercies of God that you present your
body as a Living Sacrifice acceptable in the god which is your reasonable service we
as the body of Christ are now a chosen Nation A peculiar
people priests to Bear the light of the Gospel to the world how beautiful are the feet
of them that preach the Good Tidings of the gospel and you and I have that privilege
now as Israel failed and they could still be saved all that
the Jews would trust Christ but he looks to the Gentiles he looks to the nations of the world a people who he
never chose and he says if you put your faith in me you're saved but I have a calling for
even you you and you and you and you all of you have a calling to preach the gospel of peace The Good Tidings of
Jesus Christ look at verse two and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God put yourself in a way where you can get
that message out the whole purpose of God is redemption
that if anyone would hear the word and believe it they
would be saved by faith alone in Christ alone and Israel missed it but God would use
that to reach the rest of the world and look look how far the gospel has come the good news of Jesus Christ you and I
have it today look over to Romans 13 really quick
and we're going to get into communion shortly after Romans 13
. look at verse 8 . Jesse spoke about these verses recently
and it blew me away connecting this with my studies now you notice how Israel
sought after the law for their righteousness but notice verse 8 says oh no man anything but to love one another
for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law verse 10 love worketh no ill to his
neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law and that knowing the time and now that it is high time to
awake out of sleep for now is our Salvation nearer than when we believed
the night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor
of light he's saying prepare yourself to preach the gospel love is the fulfilling of the law you
fulfill the law through your love and part of that love is sharing the gospel of Christ and that he loved us
and shed his blood for us and we have this calling notice on the
screen verse first Thessalonians 2 4 says but as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel even so we
speak not as pleasing men but God which trieth our hearts Romans 1 16 for I am not ashamed of the
gospel of Christ we quote this every Sunday for it is the power of God and the Salvation to everyone that believeth
to the Jew first and also to the Greek all the nations of the world God's whole
plan was to redeem them and the only way you can be redeemed the only way you can
as we say today go to heaven when you die is if you believe and when Jesus Christ has done for you on the cross
one last motivating factor last week I spoke through Isaiah
we have this message to preach to the whole world the gospel the good
news I want you to notice how Isaiah ends his book for as the new heavens and the new Earth
which I will make shall remain before me saith the Lord so shall your seed and
your name remain those who believe will be a part of that new Heaven and new earth
and it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another from one Sabbath to another shall All Flesh come to worship
before me saith the Lord worship the Messiah will worship Christ and they shall go forth and look upon
the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me for their worms shall not die neither shall their fire
be quenched and they shall be an abhorrent unto all flesh that's a picture of Hell Fire
ladies and gentlemen we have a message and the reason that Paul is crying out a bit I beg you Brethren present your
bodies a Living Sacrifice be willing to get this message out you have a responsibility those of you
who have trusted in Jesus Christ as Savior as Jude would say it pulling them out of
the flames how beautiful are the feet of them that
preach the gospel of good news the Good Tidings how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and
bring Glad Tidings of good things how do you get in the family of God how
do you go to heaven when you die how can you have the righteousness of God if you believe in what Jesus Christ did for you
on the cross if you believe that that suffering servant with the crown of thorns on his head with the nails in his
hands and his feet if you trust in him who shed his blood for you your sin is paid for you have
everlasting life you have the righteousness of God by faith
I rest my case and I want to present to you this before we go into communion if
you have not believed in Jesus Christ as your savior I encourage you do so let me represent
something for you I'll let my right hand represent you and I your Gentile doesn't matter we'll let let the whole world be
that hand I'll let my lower note page here be our sin the Bible says for all have sinned and
come short of the glory of God Jew and Gentile he has concluded all under sin the Bible says for all have
sinned and because of this sin we deserve to go to that fire where it is not clinched we deserve to die and go to
hell be separated from God for all eternity but God never wanted that his whole
point was Redemption his whole point was the love of people and so that they could go to heaven if they would just
believe in him he wants us in heaven but the problem was our sin from the day that Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the
garden they fell they died and now you and I bear that sin and we deserve to
die and go to hell but he never wanted us to go there was never intended for us and that's why
he sent A Savior Jesus Christ who is perfect who has no sin God In the Flesh and despite how hard we try despite how
hard Israel tried with their self-righteousness with their so-called Good Deeds that never pleased God
they could never pay for their own sin God was upset with their
self-righteousness you and I cannot keep the law we cannot do enough Good Deeds
to get rid of our sin that's why Jesus Christ came the suffering servant and he
bear the weight of our sin on himself and he died for all of our sin and he is the propitiation for our sins
and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world and he was buried in the tomb three days
later he rose from the dead all who believe in him I'm talking to you if you have not
believed you over the live stream if you have not believed would you believe in him look what you get look look you get
the righteousness of God applied to your account just as Abraham you get to go to
heaven when you die you have a home in heaven forever never be taken away from you just by believing in Jesus Christ
and you who have believed part of this message was to you how beautiful
are the feet of you if you preach that message to the lost and dying world
we have a YouTube channel just hit a thousand subscribers praise the Lord we're trying to reach people every day
using a YouTube channel we got people that go out on Saturday nights trying to reach people we got missionaries trying
to reach people we got teachers Faithfully teaching trying to reach more people trying to teach others so that
they could reach more people that's the whole purpose God wanted to reach people and he became
a man in order to do it he died for you paid for all your sin I want to go to the Lord in prayer and then we'll have
the lights dimmed and we will observe communion let's go to the Lord in prayer first before we observe this
every head is about and everybody's closed and I want to ask a quick question
to the crowd nobody's looking around everyhead is about and every eye is closed and here's the question if you
have not believed in Jesus Christ would you would you accept him would you believe in him as your savior he died
for you he paid for all your sin would you believe it you in the audience you're over the live stream would you believe in Jesus Christ if you would I
simply want to know that if you would raise your hand and let me know yet yes Trent I believe that Jesus
died for my sin for the first time I'm believing in him anybody at all by raised hand says yes Trent I will trust
in Christ as my savior anybody at all you over the live stream if you want to believe that you can
click a little button says yeah I'll believe that I believe that Jesus died for me that lets us know that you've done that those of you who have believed I
reiterate the point don't be ashamed of the Gospel but preach the good tidings of peace to the whole world heavenly
father thank you for everyone who is here thank you that we can now observe communion and I pray that you would
bless us in this deed in Jesus name amen

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