A Completely Rattled AG Garland Makes No Sense Why Biden DOJ Plays Favorites

2 years ago

The Hatred of Biden Against Conservative GOP Will Not Succeed

So – what exactly is wrong with Attorney General Merrick Garland? During his early March '23 congressional hearings it's become obvious he's not up to the job – but why? If you consider that no average person would purposefully ruin their own reputation through incompetence. Yet, he's done so while chuckling at his critics and pretending to be offended.

But what does Merrick have to gain from failing? He just seems so out of his element in these hearings. He does so poorly on so many of the questions. So much so his go-to move is to remark, “I never heard that” or, state,“I need to research this!”

It's obvious to anyone who's followed his career, being a Harvard man and a fairly well respected judge that Garland is sabotaging himself. But you knew that when he-decided that the FBI taking on parents across America at school board meetings would be the first lie he'd hang his hat on. The paint wasn't even dry on his excuse that it had already fallen apart.

Frankly, Merrick didn't seem to sweat over who knew. The fact he didn't bother to nail down an alibi means he either doesn't care and is maybe doing this thankless task for others. Or, Merrick is really not that smart. Or, perhaps he just thought the GOP would finally just curl up into a ball and die after they failed to regain the US Senate.

But the upshot is Garland's lackluster efforts have damaged the entire Dept of Justice, leaving it reeling with the obvious conclusion that the FBI is an attack dog against GOP and critics. Where's the proof? The numbers are so skewed against Biden's DOJ, that details came out revealing no push back exists against leftists who show up daily at SCOTUS homes to protest. And while protesting for outcomes at a federal judge's house is a felony, the hundreds or thousands of such leftists have yet to be prosecuted once.

So, Garland has been a very indifferent person towards his position. “Why” that is will someday be completely exposed, but it can't be too deep a study in human psychology since Marxism itself is a running hoax. But the real question here is, “How did all of these far leftist politicians and judges simply sleepwalk into being card carrying members of the communist party?” Have all these failed leaders simply copied Das Kapital and Antonio Gramsci? Or is there a central core of ultra elitist Marxists running the show?

The guess is that it is some group of Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and other hardcore professional rabble rousing socialists who mad sure they gathered in a fortune in “dirty capital” before coming back to volunteer at Joe Biden's communist White House version of Animal Farm meets Lord of the Flies.

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