Russian Scientist Andrey Botikov who developed Covid-19 Vaccine reportedly killed in his home

1 year ago

Russian Scientist Andrey Botikov who developed Covid-19 Vaccine reportedly killed in his home.

The Russian authorities have opened up a probe after a top scientist who worked on the development of Sputnik V coronavirus vaccines was strangled to death in his Moscow apartment on Thursday.

Russian news outlet Regnum reports that virologist identified as 47-year-old Andrey Botikov was one of the 18 scientists who worked on the Sputnik V vaccine at the Gamaleya National Research Center.

He was found strangled by a belt at his Rogova Street home on March 2. Earlier, it was suggested that he had survived the attack after an intruder broke into his home. However, the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR)has now opened a probe into the matter & have zeroed in on a 29-year-old man who is alleged to have killed the scientist with the belt over a disagreement.

ICR's Moscow division in a statement released informed that a criminal investigation was ongoing & that the assailant was nabbed "in the shortest possible time.

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