Vinyl Chloride should not have been burntin Ohio-tcdd 2378 Dioxin far worse(1)

1 year ago

Mike Adams discusses how terrible a decision it was to burn the vinyl chloride from the OHio train Drailment. That it makes makes the deadliest dioxin and most dangerous molecule known to man - tcdd 2378. Why it's so deadly , that it is a persistant Bioaccumalative toxin. That moves up the food chain and will cause many cancers, deformaties , sterility, chronic conditions, and many more. AT the end the guest mentions there are 75,000 farms in ohio, and that 95% are small farmers, not in the vidoe is ohio has the most fertile agricultural producing land in america, so it's basically a chemical attack on the citizens food supply. which should be shocking with all the food plants going down, and the desired plans from elites for WORd economic forum and Bill gates that wants to farm inside , and have chickenless eggs, and synthetic meat etc....

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