Rabi-Ribi - Post Game Part 3

2 years ago

Game: Rabi-Ribi
System: PC

Note: Thought I'd get a rematch in against Kotri, seeing how I was heading into the Subterranean Area anyway. Hated that burning status effect she kept inflicting through her horizontal fire beams, as that seemed to take out large chunks of my health. Didn't even know how to dodge the ones all lined up together, and didn't realize until much later that I probably could have gotten over it with a double jump and then a wall jump. The fight overall felt like I did REALLY well on one or two attempts, and then went into a death spiral after. Then I looked at the clock and noticed that it was passed
2:00 A.M., and then things started to make sense, and decided to start downing food items so I could wrap it up.

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@CamoJakIV:0
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/CamoJakIV
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@camojakiv

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