A GREY STATE, a Movie that got the Producer Assassinated & his wife & Kids because The Deep State were afraid of it's content.!! MUST SHARE.!!

2 years ago

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Grey State is a 2017 documentary film directed by Erik Nelson and executive produced by Werner Herzog, first broadcast on the A&E Network. It explores the death of aspiring filmmaker David Crowley and the murders of his wife and child in 2014. The film tells the story of Crowley's military service in the Middle East, his efforts to fund and make a film, and explores the circumstances surrounding the deaths. Crowley had been working on a feature film he called Gray State. Herzog and Nelson had previously worked together on 2005 Grizzly Man, which Nelson produced, and Herzog directed

GRAY STATE is a vision of a dystopian near-future in which abusive government has delivered the coup de grâce to the American life you have known. The last vestiges of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the laws that protect you from tyranny have been shredded in a public display of authoritarian power that you enabled through generations of inaction, complacency, and apathy.

Now federalized National Guard patrol the streets while TSA thugs move checkpoints to highways. Militarized police forces funnel your tax dollars into military-grade armored vehicles, surveillance equipment, and weapons for the sole reason of suppressing dissent. Under police state lockdown - under martial law - the Gray State rules. And now the battle turns to the homeland - where American citizens become the targets.

GRAY STATE is the reality that can no longer be ignored. It is coming - by consent or conquest.

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