Sarah Thompson on MAR 11 GA GOP County Conventions

1 year ago

Over 120 rural counties have all of their local party organization on ONE DAY, Saturday, Mar 11. Contact your County GOP Chairman TODAY to get the details and invite 10 friends.

BE THERE or forfeit your party representation for the next TWO YEARS!

You’ll caucus to organize your precinct and elect precinct officers, then move right into your County Convention to elect county officers and the elect District / State Delegates.

BE BRAVE and run for Precinct Chairman and be sure to get your name down on your precinct committee and county delegate sheets!

Larger counties have just their County Conventions on Mar 11.

All events are open to the public. You can encourage your voting precinct delegates to vote a certain way even if you are not a delegate. They are THE VOICE of grassroots GA.

BE BRAVE AND RUN FOR COUNTY OFFICE TOO! No political experience necessary.

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