Understanding The Threshold

1 year ago

Understanding the Threshold
December 2nd 2015

Looking at the solid Iron Core, you can remove many factors from the equation including size speed and state

What you are left with is; Iron

Iron, large enough to compress hard enough into a Crystallized Iron Core, will always be traveling at some speed through the Universe, through the Dark Energy Field, to generate the gravitation needed for formation

That said, taking on the concept of the Threshold, and a clear definition, one must differentiate all the basics

Iron, is Matter compressed to a point where it can no longer compress, so from Hydrogen, compression through the base elements to Iron, once matter has compressed hard enough and formed Iron, it can no longer compress

Once this Iron compresses even harder there becomes a point where the Iron will; "Crystallize," into what is known as the Crystal Iron Core, almost ALL objects in the cosmos are Crystal Iron Cores...

What exactly is Crystallization? It’s the formation of Matter under enough pressure without heat.

Crystallization could also be said to be the 5th State of Matter, so you have Gas, Liquid, Solid, Plasma and Crystal (Edit 2023: This is a, “Thinking Out Loud” Process, not meant to be “Text Book Doctrine.” And while some could argue that; “Crystal” is a “Solid,” “State Of Matter,” you can also argue that the, “Crystal Structure,” encompasses more than a dozen “States Of Matter” in and of itself... So, yea, NO! Crystal is not simply a “Solid.”It is Much Much More... )

Looking at this, you can see that any element can be in any of the "States of Matter" so, with Carbon you get the Crystal Diamond - with Iron you get Crystal Iron or "The Dark Crystal" (Edit: The Crystal Iron Core LEADS to the Dark Crystal At Its Center... pass the dipping sauce... lol)

But - what exactly is the, "Crystal"

The Crystal can be ANY ELEMENT compressed hard enough that all the atoms within the Element align into "polar alignment" - what this means is that when matter gets compressed hard enough, there is a point where it will start to Change Phase - or States of Matter, from Gas all the way through to Crystallization and because all the poles within all the atoms have been compressed and forced to equalize their electrical charge, and compressed even further, their poles align and the Matter Crystallizes - from Compression, to Heating, to Equalizing the Electrical Charge, to Polarization, and finally into a Compressed Solid or Crystal, - all this occurring through the base elements and finally to Crystallized Iron - where Matter can no longer compress any further.

This does get technical, but the most important thing to remember here, is that we are not talking about single elemental atoms - we are talking about Matter - and even when we divide this Matter into Elemental Form, we are not talking about a single atom here, - we are talking about the BULK

So, if you compress Matter hard enough and it compresses into Iron, once it has reached a specific point of pressurization and heat, there is a threshold where the Iron will compress harder and will Crystallize

This Crystal Iron Core, is the building block of the cosmos - so understanding the, “Threshold,” that makes it "shine" is key

So, you could have a Massive Crystal Iron Core, but if it is not moving fast through Dark Energy, or "Space," it will not shine, or it will not shine brightly

You could have a smaller, but still massive, Crystal Iron Core, though smaller, this Crystal Iron Core could shine much brighter than its bigger brethren - how could this be?

Because the faster the core is moving, the more "energy" it will produce

(Motion Of Matter Equals Gravity, Equals, Energy, - (Plus about 10 Percent...)

So, - extremely large core, moving very slow, or a small core moving very fast, could "shine" at about the same brightness

With this, we can clearly define the Threshold - commonize speed and size and come up with the "Mass of Shine" or the “Start of a Star”

And with this we have a starting point, - just bigger than Jupiter, - though speed and environment are in many ways just as much a factor

(Would Jupiter actually be a star if it were to escape the Sun's orbit?: Answer is: YES!) Jupiter is a Massive Crystal Iron Ball with enough decay chain on its surface, that the Iron Core can convert back to Hydrogen, but Jupiter is not moving through enough Dark Energy fast enough to ignite the Hydrogen and turn it into Plasma, like the Sun, - but should it be removed from the protective magnetic field of the Sun, and should it continue its same speed and size outside of the sun's influence - it would ignite!)

So - we can commonize the size and speed of a Crystal Iron Core to begin at about the size of Jupiter, - any smaller and the decay chain is not great enough for Plasma, - and getting smaller and the decay chain does not reach Hydrogen like it does in a Jupiter sized object, cont.

Orion Michael Guy

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