This is a very interesting video by Vassily Prozorov, l

1 year ago

This is a very interesting video by Vassily Prozorov, less than 10 minutes , spoken in Russian and well subtitled in English . He is former Ukrainian KGB, after 2014 Maidan coup he became a secret informant for Moscow , at some point fled to Russia . So he knows his subject here. He is on West sanctions list and no doubt on Ukr death list .

He explores five similarities between what he suggests is the state of mind of most Ukrainians living under Kiev’s control ,and Germans in the last years of Nazi power there. He looks at several factors in Ukraine which he says go back even to before 2014 ( Maidan coup)

1 Blind faith that ‘the West will save us ‘.
2. ‘We are winning . Russian offensive is about to collapse’ . Ukrainians blot out bad news.
3. Complete control by state of information - Ukrainians get only one narrative .
4. Power of insistent Russophobic propaganda stereotypes that Russians are orcs, greedy and cruel, will rape our wives and steal our children , etc. This inculcates a fear of losing war, makes soldiers very brave .
4. Making much of the population complicit in Nazi or Ukronazi war crimes , so that the fear of retribution if the war is lost is a final powerful incentive - maybe the biggest for some - to fight to the last.

He makes powerful arguments which lead me towards the conclusion that as in Berlin on 9 May 1945, this war won’t end till the Russian victory flag is raised over Kiev Bankova St government buildings. It is probably not amenable to a negotiated peace.

It is also interesting that the Russian govt supports this video going into worldwide distribution through YouTube . They want Prozorov’s views to be known in the West .

Tony Kevin, Canberra 4 March 2023

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