Psycho-Neural Weaponry is being used on Citizens by Mililtary, Lecture by Dr. James Giordano

1 year ago

The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future, a lecture by neurologist James Giordano. He speaks to the military about leveraging and weaponizing the system of belief inherent to the human being at the level of biology, psychology and social dynamics.
This has affected all of us to one degree or another, hence the continued polarization, uncertainty and fear that is palpable in the air. False flag operations, social conditioning (especially through the DARPA technology we call facebook and other platforms) and other strategies lead to a shepherding of the proverbial herd to erode freedoms, modify perception and to keep us as docile as possible.
This lecture is for those who wish to peek behind the curtain of what is transpiring at the global level, and will heighten your ability to see events for what they are, rather than what you are told they are.
¨The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.¨
- Ayn Rand

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