Shalawat JIbril

1 year ago

One of the prayers that is recommended to be practiced is the Jibril prayer. Even though it has the shortest reading, the Jibril prayer has great virtue. It is called sholawat jibril because the first one sold was the Angel Gabriel.
It is said that at that time the Prophet Adam AS wanted to touch Siti Hawa, but was forbidden because it was not yet halal. Prophet Adam AS was also required to pay a dowry.
Then Prophet Adam asked Allah SWT, "What is the Maharnya of my Lord?" asked Prophet Adam.
Then Allah SWT said, "“صل الله على حبيب محمد , Read blessings on my beloved Muhammad."
Then the angel Gabriel approached Prophet Adam and whispered to Prophet Adam with the sentence, "صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَى مُحَمَّد Shollallohu A'la Muhammad.

video re-uploaded: youtube channel Sebelum Terlelap

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