Second Sunday in Lent

1 year ago

The Second Sunday of Lent is known as Remember Sunday (This title comes from the Latin word reminiscere and is drawn from the first word of the Introit, the first psalm of the day, Psalm 25:6). On this Sunday we pray for the Lord to remember us. We pray this though, not on account of any merit or worthiness in us, but according to His mercy. God answers our pleas by giving us His Son Jesus, assuring us that His help is for us and that He remembers us even when we are spiritually and physically destitute. As we are in the season of Lent, we think also of the thief on the cross who asked the Lord to remember him too. Though he had nothing to offer Jesus but faith, Jesus said to this man who had ruined everything in his life and was suffering from capital punishment, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise.” God rejoices in those who come bringing nothing and desiring everything from Him.

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