[OCTOPATH TRAVELER 2] Castti the Apothecary - Part#4

1 year ago

Easterb Cropdale Trail: (0:00)

Cait: (0:52)
- Kill it with Hikari's Ult

Silver Sword: (8:15)
Ice Soulstone: (11:24)
Lance: (11:55)
Sticky Flower: (13:30)
1500:: (13:45)
Inspiriting Plum (M): ( !4:00)
Herb of Serenity: (14:30)
Traveler's Bow: (15:00)

Canalbrine: (16:10)

Castti: (16:43)
Castti the Apothecary - Chapter 1 #start: (18:35)

Fisherman - A Hidden Item #1: (29:39)
Hidden Item #1: (30:10)

Sailor - A Hidden Item #2: (31:40)
Hidden Item #2: (31:47)

Boy A Hidden Item #3: (32:00)

Scene: (32:25)

Darkdelion: (48:58)
Empowering Ring: (51:19)
Grape Leaf: (53:00)
Guard's Helm: (52:50)

Canalbrine Water Source: (54:00)
- Cleansing Leaf: (54:40)
- Diffusing Serum: (55:35)
- Old Armor: (56:25)
- Herb of Healing: (58:07)
- Doron / Veron: (58:16)
- Skip Battle: (1:08:17)

Malaya / Castti: (1:10:55)
Castti the Apothecary Chapter 1 #end: (1:17:56)

Woman - A Hidden Item #4: (1:20:00)
Hidden Item #4: (1:20:25)

Waiting Youth (Day) - Waiting All Day and Night #start: (1:22:00)

Suspicious Peddler: (1:22:50)
- Dragon Vase (7500)

Hidden Item #3: (1:23:05)

Former U Carpenter: (1:23:21)
- Fort Orochi Plans 2k

Slumber Sage: (1:24:44)

Town Lighthouse Keeper - Lighthouse Restoration #start: (1:26:50)
Woodcutter's Great Axe: (1:28:20)

Young Traveler - Traveler's Lost and Found #start: (1:29:10)

Townsperson - A Hidden Item #5: (1:35:35)
Hidden Item #5: (1:36:07)

Waiting Youth (Night) - Waiting All Day and Night #2: (1:40:20)
Waiting Youth (Day) - Waiting All Day and Night #end: (1:41:54)
- 3000 L
- Magic Nut
- Empowering Lychee

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