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Mike Balloun teaches today. 03/04/23


unedited notes (portion):
Colossians 1:24-29
VERSE 25: “Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God;…”

Paul, ‘an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of the Father,’ was appointed as minister to show how God fulfilled His Old Testament Word that resulted in the closing (or suspending) one dispensation, related to His Jewish household (acts13:26) and now the beginning of another dispensation/ household.
The closing dispensation was a period of time documented by God in the Old Testament that started in the Garden with the promise of the Messiah from the Seed of the Woman (a Jewish woman) Genesis 3:15 that culminated in the final refusing of that Jewish Seed by the Leaders of the Nation of Israel approximately 4000 years later at the time Paul was writing this letter from Rome in around 62 AD (acts 28:28).
It was the now passing dispensational Word of separating a seed or people from the seed of the serpent, that encompassed the promises to Abraham, in that his seed would be the great blessing of all kindreds of the Earth (gen12:2,3acts3:25).
It was the dispensation wherein God foresaw that the Nation of Israel would provoke Him and spoke by Moses these prophetic Words, that answer to Paul’s declarations “They have moved Me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked Me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those that are not a people. I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation:” (duet 32:21; prov 1:23-25).

The 11 Disciples were un-successful in the commission of Matthew 28:18-20 in answer to Joel’s prophecy of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Nation of Israel (joel 2; acts 2:17-18)... in that the Leaders of Israel continued to refuse Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout the time of the reoffer of ruling with the Messiah, documented in the Book of Acts…in that they were called to be God’s witnesses / ministers in the promises of Abraham in proselyting the Gentiles, being a blessing and bringing them in to the Commonwealth of Israel (exd 19:6; eph 2:11-12).

Saul, a great religious zealot, having no ministering part of that New Covenant Commission to Israel and having set himself against Christ and His Disciples…and who had spearheaded the anti-Christ movement resulting in the Disciples failure among the Jews,…was thereby uniquely chosen and called to suffer and bear witness to unbelieving Israel of the faithful fulfillment of the Word of God relative to the Garden Seed and the promise to the seed of Abraham to bless the Gentile Nations …in that God had fulfilled all that had been declared, thereby Scripturally placing the fault for the closing of the dispensation calling on the Nation of Israel.

And now in the closing of the Book of Acts comes the opening of a new Dispensation, this one Jew has been raised up on a supernatural plain in direct communication with resurrected Christ to fulfill the heavenly call the Nation of Israel would not.
He was to take the Word of the Lord; of the gospel hope of glory in Christ Jesus, not now first to the Jew (acts 13:26) but now first to the Gentile, who would readily receive it, resulting in the forming of a new spiritual Nation more worthy of the call, drawing upon the Messiahs
Atonement power (under the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus) unto qualifying fruitfulness for the inheritance of the mysterious heavenly kingdom glory (acts 28:28 matt 21:33-45).

VERSE 26 “Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages (unknown to the Angels and Spirit rulers of this World (1 cor 2:6-16). and from generations (Men), but now (since the Nation of Israel persisted in rejecting God’s Christ, the Nation is rejected from the mysterious calling and) is made manifest to his saints (individuals within the New Body/Nation then formed):…
It is the closing of one long Dispensation and the outbreaking of a new one…..a Mysterious dispensation.
In that How could it be that on the one hand it said that God has fulfilled His clear Word told to Israel; in that Abraham’s seed would be preeminent in the Earth and sure avenue that God would bless the Gentiles, when in reality, seemingly contradictory, they now had refused the calling, and yet the Gentiles were being blessed?... This being documented by Paul in that on the other hand there was within those same Scriptures a hidden great mystery that fulfilled His Word of blessing to the Gentile Nations through Abraham’s seed;… It was by the means of the Seed of Abraham, Who was rejected and crucified by the Nation of Israel but raised up in resurrection by God from among the dead out of Hades/Sheol, up into Heaven, exalted to His right hand, and having received the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has shed forth on the Gentiles. Which…...

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