What will happen if you do not have clean drinking water?

1 year ago

What Would Happen in a World Without Water?
It goes without saying that the human race wouldn’t last very long in a world without water. The same can be said of all animals and plants, as well, since H2O constitutes one of the building blocks necessary for life to thrive.

Click here ---> bit.ly/3IUlWIx to learn ways to have clean water for you and your family!

Why Is It Important to Purify Water in the Wild?
Purifying water found in the wild enables you to consume it safely, as the purification process eliminates harmful viruses and pathogens that could cause waterborne illnesses. Knowing how to purify water is a valuable skill to learn in the event that you find yourself stranded in a backcountry area because it enables you to stay safely hydrated, which is necessary for your survival.

3 Factors to Consider When Purifying Water in the Wild
Consider the following factors when gathering drinking water from the wild:

1. Animals: If you see animals drinking from a water source, chances are that you can drink from it too. However, it’s essential to avoid water with dead animals or excrement floating in it because these contaminants will likely carry viruses or bacteria. Avoid streams or lodges where beavers live because they can spread giardia.
2. Water color: Clear water does not equal drinkable water, but cloudy water, green water, or floating sediment are clear indicators of contamination. Water tainted with algae or oily films is also not potable. Avoid any water that has a strong odor. If you’re not sure whether the cloudiness in your water is pollution or simply dirt, fill your container and let the water sit for a while to see if any of the debris settles to the bottom. Soil will sink in water.
3. Water source: One of the most critical water purification elements is the water source itself. Fresh water sources, such as rivers, streams, and other sources of moving water, are safe to gather from, while stagnant water is not. (Standing water hosts lots of bacteria.) Gather water from higher elevations as close to the source as possible. Avoid gathering water from animal grazing sites because animals like beavers can spread viruses and bacteria.

To learn more on ways to have clean safe water to drink for you and your family Click here ---> bit.ly/3IUlWIx to learn ways to have clean water for you and your family!

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