1984 in 2023. Review of George Orwell's Book, 1984.

2 years ago

1984 is one of the most influential books of our time. Translated into 65 languages, has sold over 30 million copies globally, and remains banned in some European counties around the world.

Listed as fiction, soon to be re-categorised under non-fiction. Take particular note of the removal of definitions, and common meanings of words that have taken place and words that have been added to the dictionary of late. Such as the definition of what a woman is in the Cambridge Dictionary.

Today's society has all the signs and hallmarks that are depicted in Orwell's book. This is fast becoming a documentary on what is to come, right down to the propaganda and censoring of both specific ideologies and the dissemination of truth, and censoring of that truth and has been replaced with f_Act ch_eckers.

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