August 2015, Daddy makes seesaw more funtastic

1 year ago

August 2015, don't you just love the school summer holidays? So much fun can be had in many simple ways. For example in this video, Ayrton & Gabrielle were on a family size seesaw when I went ahead to make it more funtastic, look at the joy on their faces, the laughter, priceless 😍😍. We also did some airplane spotting on our way back from Knowsley Safari Park (trip covered in the last 4 clips before this one), and we managed to get that awesome picture at the end, if only I had more walls with more space to hang them up 😅 #justice4ayrton8gabrielleAbreu #daddygorilladumdum #weelsbywoods #singledad #fatherhoodbreakdown #parentalalienation #humanrights #falsedomesticabuse #implacablehostility

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