Decoding the news with Jester from Its Doomsday Podcast - ep 3

1 year ago

Jester from Its Doomsday Podcast and I will be recording 1 episode per month that will be added to our existing podcasts in which we will sit down for between 30mins to 1 hour and discuss whats been going on in our respective countries.

We feel it could be benificial to share what the media and people are saying about worldy events as the threat of censorship tightens its grips.

This one will be recorded as audio only however i have made a new soundtract and put some visuals on the screen so your not just staring at a black screen if you like to consume my content on any of those platforms.

I hope you enjoy these episodes and we really hope you can help with this show in regaurds to any stories that interest you and any questions you have.

Give Jester a follow hes a good one. Here are his socials and podcast...

clapper - @iTsDoomsdayPodcast

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